AODocs library administration — for administrators
Access the library administration
General settings
- Configure your library's general settings
- Configure the home URL of your library
- Define a URL for redirection
- Define a notification address
- Restrict the visibility of your library
- Configure how properties and the time are displayed in workflow emails
Configure document classes
- What are document classes?
- Create and configure document classes
- Manage the display of AODocs documents
- Configure folders in your document class
- Create and configure document templates
- Manage your document templates
Configure custom properties
Create formulas for conditional logic
- What is conditional logic in AODocs?
- Getting started with formulas for conditional logic
- Add entity references to your formulas
- Create your own formulas: play with entity references in JavaScript
- Create your own formulas: use the correct JavaScript syntax in conditional logic
Security settings
- Configure security settings in Document Management libraries
- Configure security settings in Secured Folders in the AODocs interface
- Configure security settings in Team Folders in the AODocs interface
- Interpret internal shortcuts in Team Folders as move operations (experimental workaround)
- Configure inherited permissions in document classes
- Prevent users from overriding inherited permissions
Categories and reference catalogs
- What are categories and reference catalogs?
- Create categories
- Configure categories
- Configure category sublevels
- Define category sublevels with a CSV file
- View and configure default categories
Configure views
Library roles
Create and configure workflows
- What are workflows?
- Step 1: Assessment of your business need
- Step 2: Create workflow states
- Step 3: Add workflow transitions
- Step 4: Create workflow email templates
- Step 5a: Configure workflow emails – Action emails