As an administrator, you can configure AODocs to receive emails from library contributors and transform these emails into documents.
Contributors can then:
Create documents from emails in Team Folders and Secured Folders (in any email client)
Create documents from emails in Document Management libraries (in any email client)
To configure the emails to documents feature:
1. Access the library administration.
2. Select Emails.
3. Click Add new value and enter the email address without the @ and the domain. Press Enter. The email address will be completed with automatically.
Note: You can't use capital letters in your email address.
4. Select the document class you want to associate with the email.
A token is generated and inserted into the email address.
Tip: Use the copy to clipboard button and send the email address to users who will create AODocs documents from emails. You can use the email address with or without the token. For ease of use, you're recommended to use the email address without the token.
5. If required, click the edit button to change the email you entered.
6. Click the email address to open a settings dialog with these options:
- Select a template: You can associate a document template to the email. The documents created from emails will be initialized with the properties of the selected template.
Note: The title, description and attachments of the template will be ignored and replaced with the subject, body and attachments of the email.
Learn more: Configure a document template
- Conversion options: You can configure how the files attached to an email will be converted when imported into AODocs. There are three conversion modes:
- No conversion (default): attachments are left untouched. If the email has a Microsoft Word file attached to it, the Microsoft Word file will be attached to the AODocs document.
- Convert files to Google Docs format: attachments are converted to a Google format (Docs, Sheet or Slide) if possible. For example, if the email has a Microsoft Word file attached to it, the file will first be converted into a Google document, which will be attached to the AODocs document.
These file types can be converted to Google format:- Google documents: .doc (if newer than Microsoft® Office 95), .docx, .docm .dot, .dotx, .dotm, .html, plain text (.txt), .rtf, .odt
- Google spreadsheets: .xls (if newer than Microsoft® Office 95), .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlt, .xltx, .xltm .ods, .csv, .tsv, .txt, .tab
- Google presentations: .ppt (if newer than Microsoft® Office 95), .pptx, .pptm, .pps, .ppsx, .ppsm, .pot, .potx, .potm, .odp
- Convert image files with OCR: attachments will be analyzed by Google's optical character recognition (OCR) engine to extract text. If the email has an image (or a scanned PDF) attached to it, the image will be analyzed by the OCR engine and the extracted text will be inserted in a Google document. The AODocs document will have two attachments: the original image and the Google document containing the text processed by the OCR engine.
These file types can be converted to Google Docs with OCR: .jpg, .gif, .png, .pdf
Learn more: Optical Character Recognition in Google Drive
- Destination folder: If you have folders defined on your library, you can select the folder you want to create the document in.
- Content options:
- Prefer plain text body: select this option to ignore the HTML formatting in the email body
- Remove thread history: select this option to ignore the email thread and use only the current email
When your inbound email addresses are configured, contributors can use them to transform emails into documents.
How to use an email address from your domain to generate documents?
You may need to use an email address from your domain. To do this, use Google Groups:
1. Create a Google Group ''.
2. Add the '' email generated by AODocs to this Google group.
3. When someone sends an email to the Google group, it is also sent to the email address in AODocs.
4. AODocs creates a document from the email sent by the user.
Note: The limit for emails sent to AODocs is 24 MB for the total size of the email, including the email body and all attachments.