Access the library administration

Each library has an administration interface where you can configure the library settings.

Library administrators have full access to the library administration interface to configure library settings and manage daily activities on the library. Users with advanced permissions roles can access only the features permitted by their role. Learn more: What are roles?

Note: AODocs super administrators can access all library administration interfaces.

Automatically generated table of contents

Access the library administration

1. Open the library homepage.

2. To open the administration interface of a library, click the Administration button in the top banner. The library administration interface opens in a new tab.


Overview of the library administration

The library administration interface has four sections:

  • Library configuration section: lets you configure your library. This includes your document classes, views, workflows, relations and security settings.
  • Library administration section: lets you manage deleted or locked documents, consult ongoing jobs and the library audit log.
  • Library Administration header: lets you switch domains and libraries, open the library homepage, access the AODocs documentation website, display the AODocs version and log out.
  • Quick Help widget: lets you access articles from the AODocs documentation directly in the library administration interface. You can also contact the AODocs Support team directly in this interface.

Learn more: What is the library administration?

Library administrator with full access to library settings

Advanced permissions roles: category values manager and maintenance manager

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