Configure security settings in Document Management libraries

As a library administrator, you can configure the security settings and permissions in your Document Management libraries from the AODocs interface.

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Access your library security settings

1. Open a Document Management library.

2. Click the Library security button. The Library security dialog opens.

Define your library permissions

Select a visibility option

Manage the access users have to your library by selecting a visibility option:

  • Private library: only listed users and groups have access select the required users and groups
  • Public library: all users in the domain have reader access - all domain users can access the library and have a reader role
  • Public library: all users in the domain have contributor access - all domain users can access the library and have a contributor role

Note: If you choose to make your library public on your your entire domain with either reader or contributor access, a confirmation message appears. 

Tip: You can prevent documents in Document Management libraries being shared publicly on whole domain. In this case, the public visibility options in the drop-down menu aren't available.

Learn more: What are roles?


Give users and groups access to your Document Management library

Regardless of the visibility option chosen, you can grant access to your library to specific users or groups.

Important: If a user is defined by both a visibility option and in specific permissions (as an individual user or in a group), the wider permissions will be granted to this user.

To add users and define their roles in the library: 

1. Enter the email address of a user, Google group or Microsoft group.

Learn more about Google groups in AODocs and Microsoft groups in AODocs

2. Click Add. The user or group is added to the list.


3. Define the role of the user or group:

  • Administrator
  • Contributor
  • Reader

– After the creation of a new library, the library creator is assigned a library administrator role.
– Making users library administrators adds them to the administrator predefined role. Learn more: Predefined library roles.
– Members of the administrator role have full access to all the documents in the library, bypassing the document-level security. Administrators are automatically members of the contributor and reader roles.

Tip: Click the cross to remove a user or group.


4. You can click Apply same permissions to root folder’s children items to apply these library permissions to every document in the library. This resets any existing document permissions.

5. If required, select Prevent viewers from downloading, copying and printing.
Learn more: Prevent viewers from downloading, copying and printing.

6. Click Save.

Learn more: Configure inherited permissions on document classes.

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  • This article appear recent and dated "November 21, 2017 20:03". I am using Chrome extension AODocs - Smartbar for G Suite 5.3.3. My screens do not match the screenshots within this article. Any guidance appreciated.

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  • Hi Michael,
    You are mentioning the AODocs Smarbar (Chrome extension) which works in the Google Drive interface. The screens of this article describe the AODocs interface Also the Library Security screen will defer depending on the type of library you use. This article describes the security settings of a Document Management Library.

    If you are administering a Team Folder or a Secured Folder we recommend that you access the library settings from the Google Drive interface with the AODocs Smartbar. (see links above in the article)

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