Create and manage views in your library

A view is a page which displays a set of documents from your library. You can define the properties and filters to sort the documents. These filters can be based on the nature of the library, workflow states or other settings that may be relevant for users.

This article explains how to create and organize your views:

Automatically generated table of contents

Note: Read Configure views in your library for details on how to configure the layout, general settings and filters in a view.

– When you create the first document class in a Document Management library, a view called All documents is created.
– When you create a Team Folder or Secured Folder, a class named Document and a view called All documents are created.
– The view All documents is configured to display all the documents in the first (or only) class created in the library. Library administrators can change the configuration of the All documents view. Learn more: Configure views in your library.  

Access the views in your library configuration

1. Access the library administration.

2. Select Views. The list of views in your library is displayed.

Tips: On the list of views you can:
– change the order of the views
– access the document class configuration - learn more: Create and configure document classes
– open the view in the library
– access the view configuration page - lean more: Configure views in your library


Create or duplicate views

Create views

1. Click the Create view button.

2. In the dialog, enter the name of your view.

3. Select the document class for which the view will be configured.

Note: If you have only one document class configured in your library, it will be selected automatically.

4. Click Create.

5. The view appears in your list of views. Learn more: Configure views in your library.


Duplicate views

1. In the list of views, open the More actions menu next to the view you want to duplicate.

2. Select Duplicate.

3. In the dialog, enter the name of the view.

4. Click Create.

5. The duplicated view appears in your list of views. Learn more: Configure views in your library.

Note: When duplicating an existing view, all its settings are copied.


Manage views

Rename views

1. In the list of views, open the More actions menu next to the view you want to rename.

2. In the dialog, enter the new name of the view.

3. Click Save.

Set a default view

1. In the list of views, open the More actions menu next to the view you want to set as default.

2. Select Make default.

Tip: Avoid applying a visibility restriction on the default view. Learn more: Define the general settings for views.

Note: If there's no visibility restriction on the default view:
– from the library homepage, searches are applied in the default view
– when you access a Team Folder or Secured Folder from the AODocs homepage, the default view is displayed

Get the Embed URL of views

1. In the list of views, open the More actions menu next to the desired view.

2. Select Embed URL. The URL is copied to your clipboard. Use the URL to embed the view on a web page.

Learn more: Insert a view into a Google Site.

Note: To get the View URL, which is used to share the view with your users, read Define general settings for views.

Delete views

1. In the list of views, open the More actions menu next to the view you want to delete.

2. Select Delete. Your changes are automatically saved.

Note: If the view is set as the default view, you can't delete it.

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