As a library administrator, you can configure and manage roles in a library.
Learn more: What are roles?
Automatically generated table of contents
Create custom roles
Note: Custom roles are specific to the library and are not visible to other libraries.
1. Access the library administration interface.
2. Select Roles.
The list of roles contains the pre-defined library roles:
- Administrators
- Contributors
- Readers
- Category values managers
- Document managers
- Maintenance managers
The custom roles are listed below the pre-defined roles.
Learn more: What are permissions in AODocs?
3. Click the add button.
4. In the Add role dialog enter the name of the new custom role and, if required, a description.
5. Click Create role. You can now add members.
Define the members of a role
1. When you create a role, or when you click the name of a role in the list, the list of members is displayed.
Tip: You can use the breadcrumb to navigate back to the list of roles.
2. Click the add button and select one of the following options:
- Add users or groups:
Enter names or email addresses of individuals or Google groups in your domain, then click Save.
Notes: You can't currently add Microsoft groups in roles. Learn more about Google groups in AODocs and Microsoft groups in AODocs.
- Add person property:
This option is used when the members of the role need to be different for each document. You can add document system properties or Person custom properties to a custom role.
If you want to add a document system property:
- Leave the default setting Any class.
- Choose a document system property:
- Document creator: when users create documents in the selected class, they become members of the role.
- Last update author: the last users to edit documents are members of the role.
If you want to add a custom property:
- Select a document class.
- Select one of the Person type properties defined in the document class you selected. All users specified in the selected properties of documents are members of this role. For example, if Caroline is defined in the property "Attorney in charge" on a "Contract" document, Caroline will belong to the role "Contract validators" for this contract.
Learn more: Edit document properties
Note: The Add Person option isn't available for pre-defined library roles.
Click Save.
- Add everybody:
Select this option to add to this role all the members of the Readers, Contributors and Administrators roles.
3. If required, you can mark for delete any existing members of the role.
4. Click Save.
Edit the name and description of a role
1. Open the More actions menu next to the role you want to edit.
2. Select Edit name and description.
3. In the Edit role dialog, you can edit the name of custom roles and the role description.
Note: You can't edit the names of pre-defined library roles.
Delete custom roles
Note: You can't delete pre-defined library roles.
Note: You can't delete custom roles if they're referenced in:
– a workflow transition
– any of the visibility settings: views, the list of recent activities and history of documents, the list of previous versions, or templates
– the validation rule of a person property
1. Open the More actions menu next to the custom role you want to delete.
2. Select Delete.
3. Click Yes in the confirmation message (or No to cancel).