A workflow is a sequence of steps describing the life cycle of a document. In AODocs, each workflow step is called a workflow state.
Library administrators can configure workflow emails for each workflow state:
This article explains how to create custom templates for your workflow emails. Custom email templates are created at the library level and can be used in any of the workflows in your library.
Automatically generated table of contents
Access the list of email templates
1. Access the library administration.
2. Select Workflows in the left panel, then select the Email templates tab. The list contains any custom templates you have already configured and the default email templates:
- Default action email
- Default action reminder email
- Default notification email
Note: You can't modify the default email templates.
For examples of action and notification emails, see Configure workflow notifications.
Create email templates
1. In the list of email templates, click the Add button. The Create new template dialog opens.
2. Select the type of email template to create:
- Action
- Action reminder
- Notification
3. Enter a name for your template.
4. If required, enter a description.
5. Click Create.
Tip: Alternatively, you can select Clone next to a default template and adapt it as required.
Configure email templates
1. Open the email template settings by clicking its name in the list of templates.
2. Define the sender of the email notification.
3. Define the subject of the email notification.
4. Define the body of your email in the Content section.You can include:
- text
- images
- hyperlinks
- placeholders
Note: You can't copy-paste a placeholder with a link from one Notifications configuration dialog to another. You must configure the link placeholder manually.
Tip: If you’ve written the content of your emails in a spreadsheet and you’re copy-pasting an entire cell, the content of your email will display some HTML code related to the format of the spreadsheet. To make sure no formatting HTML code is displayed, check the source code of your text using the Tools menu.
5. Select the type of layout:
- Default layout
- No layout
Tip: Select No layout if you want to completely customize the design of your emails.
6. Click Save.
Delete custom workflow email templates
Note: You can't delete:
– default workflow email templates
– custom templates that are defined in a workflow
1. Select Delete in the More actions menu next to the custom template you want to delete.
2. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog.
Placeholders to customize workflow emails
You can customize the sender, subject and content of workflow emails using the following placeholders in your email configuration:
Placeholders |
Definitions |
Type of email |
${documentInfo} |
The list of the system properties of the document:
all |
${documentProperties} |
The list of the custom properties of a document, organized in sections (if sections are configured in the document) Hidden properties are not listed. |
all |
${documentAttachments} |
The list of attachments with their links in AODocs. |
all |
${documentRelations} |
The list of the related documents grouped by relation type. |
all |
${documentId} |
The ID of the document. |
all |
${documentTitle} |
The title of the document. |
all |
${documentState} or ${state} |
The current state of the document. |
all |
${documentActions} |
Workflow buttons for the workflow participants with an action available on the document. If used, participants can perform a workflow action on a document directly from the action email they receive. This placeholder isn’t available for notification emails. |
action emails action reminders |
${libraryName} |
The name of the library which the document belongs to. |
all |
${documentLink} |
The link to the document in AODocs labeled with the name of the document. |
all |
${documentUrl} |
The URL to open the document in AODocs in view mode. |
all |
${documentEditUrl} |
The URL to open the document in AODocs in edit mode. |
all |
${documentDescription} or ${richText} |
The description of the document. |
all |
${document:fieldName} |
The value of a document's property. For example:
all |
${document:fieldName:displayText} |
The display text (without a clickable link) of a document property of type URL. |
all |
${document:fieldName:link} |
The display text (with a clickable link) of a document property of type URL, if display text is defined. The URL (with a clickable link) of a document property of type URL, if display text isn't defined. |
all |
${document:PersonFieldName:displayName} |
The name of the person if it exists in a system property. Otherwise, the person's email address. |
all |
${document:PersonFieldName:thumbnailUrl} |
The person's thumbnail URL if it exists in a system property. Otherwise, the person's email address. |
all |
${document:CategoryFieldName:LevelName} |
The value (or values) of the category sublevel. For multi-value categories, if there's more than one value, the values are comma separated. |
all |
${comment} |
The comment entered by the user who performed the last workflow action. |
all |
${latestComment} |
The last comment entered during previous workflow transitions. |
all |
${allComments} |
All the comments made during the workflow transitions. |
all |
${parallelComments} |
All the comments made on the latest completed parallel workflow transition. |
all |
${initialAuthor} |
The name of the user who has created the document. |
all |
${updateAuthor} |
The name of the last user who has updated the document. |
all |
${class} |
The document class which the document belongs to. |
all |
${workflow} |
The workflow which the document belongs to. |
all |
${lastModified} |
The date of the last update made to the document. |
all |
${stateChangeDate} |
The date of when the document changed its state. |
all |
${creationDate} |
The creation date of the document. |
all |
${currentVersionName} |
The name of the current version. |
all |
${currentVersionDescription} |
The description of the current version. |
all |
${actionName} | Name of the last user action performed (for example Approve). | all |
${appliedActionName} | Name of the last completed user action performed (for example Approved). | all |
${reminder:numberPastOccurrences} | Number of action reminder emails sent. Count starts at 0. | action reminders |
${reminder:occurrencesCount} | Number of action reminder emails sent. Count starts at 1. | action reminders |
${reminder:occurrencesNumberOfTimes} | Number of action reminder emails sent, expressed as an ordinal number, for example, 10th. Count starts at 1. | action reminders |
${reminder:firstSentDate} | Date of the first time the action reminder email was sent. | action reminders |
${reminder:lastSentDate} | Date the last time the action reminder email was sent. | action reminders |