Force check-out / check-in when editing documents

Check-out is an action that creates a draft version of an AODocs document. A subset of users can update the draft. All users who had access to the document before the check-out can access the main version of the document, in read-only.

When a check-out is manual, the draft is accessible only to the user who performs the check-out. This user can then authorize other users to access the draft.

Check-in is an action that converts the draft to a new version of the document. The main version becomes a previous version.

Learn more: What is check-out / check-in?

The check-out / check-in feature can be either manual or automated through a workflow.

As a library administrator, you can set up how your contributors can use the manual check-out / check-in feature in Secured Folders and Document Management libraries. You can force contributors to use the check-out / check-in feature every time they modify a document:

  • To update a document, contributors must check-out the document and update the draft version of the document.
  • To display their update to a wider audience, contributors must check-in the document.

This option is managed at the document class level.

Note: This option isn't available in Team Folders.

To keep documents read-only when not checked-out:

1. Access the library administration.

2. Select Document classes.

3. Click the name of the document class you want to configure or select Configure document class in the More actions menu. The document class configuration page opens.

4. Select the Advanced tab.

5. Select Documents are read only when not checked out.

6. Save your changes.


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  • Is there a way to only allow administrator to edit when not checked out?

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  • This option enforces the read-only even for the administrators. The only way to allow it, is to temporarily uncheck the option but this "liberates" all the document of the class (and can take time to propagate depending on how many documents you have in this class).

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  • Hi,
    I would like to know if it is currently possible to force check-out / check-in only for documents within a workflow state ?
    If not, are you planning to integrate this feature in the future ?
    Much thanks

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  • You can use the option "Disable manual versioning" which will users to use your workflow to check-out/check-in your documents.

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  • Thank you for the reply ! I still have a question about the "Disable manual versioning" option, when active I can't seem to customize/modify the description of the version I have created when checking-out the document. Is there a way to do so ?

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  • If you disable the manual versioning all the versioning features (available through the interface) are disabled. This includes the modification of the version description.

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