Audit log messages

This article lists the messages that appear in the domain audit log and the library audit log.

– For now, this article lists only administration scope messages.
– You may find deprecated messages in old audit logs, which aren't included in this list.
– A given action usually generates several messages. For example, creating a library generates LIBRARY_CREATED, but also CLASS_CREATED, VIEW_CREATED, LIBRARY_UPDATED, and so on. 

Administration scope

All messages with administration scope appear in the domain audit log.

Some messages in the table below also appear in the library audit log of the library in which the action that generated the message was performed.

Message ("Type" column) Explanation
ADD_SECURITYCODE A new security code was generated and added
AUTODELETE_SECURITYCODE A security code was automatically revoked after reaching its expiration date
CATEGORY_DEFINITION_CREATED A new category was created

A category was updated. For example, it was set to dynamic or its name was changed.

Note: This doesn't include updating category values. See CATEGORY_VALUES_UPDATED.

CATEGORY_VALUES_CREATED A new category value was created
CATEGORY_VALUES_DELETED A category value was deleted
CATEGORY_VALUES_UPDATED A category value was modified
CLASS_CREATED A new document class was created
CLASS_DELETED A document class was deleted
CLASS_UPDATED A document class was modified
CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED One or more custom configuration flags were added, removed or modified
CUSTOM_SCRIPT_CREATED A new custom script was created
CUSTOM_SCRIPT_DELETED A custom script was deleted
CUSTOM_SCRIPT_UPDATED A custom script was modified. This includes changes to the Java code.
CUSTOM_UI_ACTION_CREATED A new custom button was created in a view.
CUSTOM_UI_ACTION_DELETED A custom button in a view was deleted.
CUSTOM_UI_ACTION_UPDATED A custom button in a view was was modified
DIRECTORY_TENANT_ID_ADDED A new connection between AODocs and a Microsoft tenant was registered. For example, for the synchronization of Azure groups.
DIRECTORY_TENANT_ID_REMOVED A connection between AODocs and a Microsoft tenant was removed. For example, it was previously used for the synchronization of Azure groups.
DIRECTORY_TENANT_ID_UPDATED A connection between AODocs and a Microsoft tenant was modified. For example, it was enabled or disabled for the synchronization of Azure groups.
DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE_CREATED A new document template was created
DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE_DELETED A document template was deleted
DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE_UPDATED A document template was modified
DOMAIN_UPDATED The configuration of the AODocs domain was updated. For example, notifications on licenses were enabled.
DOMAIN_USERS_REFRESHED Automatic daily refresh of the users in the Google directory.
EXTERNAL_DOMAIN_ADDED A new domain was added to the allowlist
EXTERNAL_DOMAIN_REMOVED A domain was removed from the allowlist
EXTERNAL_USER_ADDED A new user or group was added to the allowlist
EXTERNAL_USER_REMOVED An user or group was removed from the allowlist
FOLDER_VISIBILITY_CHANGED The visibility of folders was updated from the library administration: under Categories, select Properties next to Folder.
LIBRARY_COPIED A library was copied. This includes creating a library from a template.
LIBRARY_CREATED A new library was created from scratch
LIBRARY_DELETED A library was deleted
LIBRARY_LOCKED A library was locked. For example, before a switch operation.
LIBRARY_UNLOCKED A library was unlocked. For example, after a switch operation.
LIBRARY_PERMISSIONS_UPDATED When certain library permissions are updated. For example, add or remove library administrator. 
LIBRARY_ROLE_CREATED A new custom role was created in a library
LIBRARY_ROLE_UPDATED A pre-defined library role (for example, Contributors) or a custom role was updated. For example, the description was changed, members were added or removed, or the name of a custom role was changed.
LIBRARY_ROLE_DELETED A custom role was deleted
LIBRARY_UPDATED A modification was performed in the configuration of a library. For example, the library title was changed.
LICENSED_USER_ADDED A new license was allocated to a user. For example, a license is automatically allocated when a user with no prior license logs into AODocs and accesses a document.
LICENSED_USER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_CHANGED The primary email address of a licensed user was modified. Learn more from the Google Help Center
LICENSED_USER_REMOVAL_RESTORED AODocs support removed the cooldown period for an incorrectly revoked user.
LICENSED_USER_REMOVED An allocated user license was revoked. This can be a manual action by a an AODocs super administrator or when an internal user is deleted from the Workspace directory.
LICENSES_UPDATED The number of licenses (regardless of whether they are allocated or not) was changed.
MODIFY_SECURITYCODE A security code was modified. For example, it was made permanent or it was deleted.

A new relation was created in the library administration.


A relation was updated in the library administration.


A relation was deleted in the library administration.


AODocs can't share a Drive file or folder with a user or group. For example, with a non-Google user when visitor sharing is not enabled, when an internal Workspace user was deleted, when Workspace sharing rules were violated due to your organization's Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies, and so on.


A workflow state was deleted.
– This doesn't mean the whole workflow. See WORKFLOW_DELETED.
– For creation of workflow states, see WORKFLOW_CHANGED.


A workflow state was updated. This includes modifying permissions, transitions, notifications or custom actions; also changing the initial state of the workflow and hiding or showing workflow states. Learn more: Configure workflow states.

STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ADDED A new AODocs storage account was added
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_REMOVED A AODocs storage account was removed
SUPER_ADMIN_ADDED A new AODocs super administrator was added
SUPER_ADMIN_DELETED An AODocs super administrator was removed

AODocs can't allocate a license to a user trying to access AODocs. For example, there are no more licenses available on your domain so the user gets an error or a user's license was revoked and they tried to access AODocs during the cooldown period

VIEWCONFIG_CREATED The default document class display was modified. This creates a new document class display.
VIEWCONFIG_UPDATED The document class display (that was created when the default display was modified) was updated.
VIEW_CREATED A new view was created
VIEW_DELETED A view was deleted
VIEW_UPDATED A view was modified
WORKFLOW_CREATED An new workflow was created

A workflow was updated. For example, a new state was created. 

Note: This doesn't cover the update of a workflow state. See STATE_UPDATED.

WORKFLOW_DELETED A workflow was deleted
WORKFLOW_EMAIL_CREATED A new workflow email template was created
WORKFLOW_EMAIL_DELETED A workflow email template was deleted.
WORKFLOW_EMAIL_UPDATED A workflow email template was updated. For example, the email body content was modified.

A workflow transition action was added to a workflow.

WORKFLOW_STATE_CUSTOM_ACTION_REMOVED A workflow transition was removed from a workflow.
WORKFLOW_STATE_CUSTOM_ACTION_UPDATED A workflow transition action was modified.


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