Check in a document: confirm a draft version

Check-out is an action that creates a draft version of an AODocs document. A subset of users can update the draft. All users who had access to the document before the check-out can access the main version of the document, in read-only.

When a check-out is manual, the draft is accessible only to the user who performs the check-out. This user can then authorize other users to access the draft.

Check-in is an action that converts the draft to a new version of the document. The main version becomes a previous version.

Learn more: What is check-out / check-in?

Important: Check-out / check-in can be manual or automated:
– If a check-out was triggered manually, the check-in must be manual.
– If a check-out was triggered through a workflow, the check-in must happen through a workflow transition. Learn more: Workflow example with version control.

This article explains how to manually check in a document that you have previously checked out and edited. The draft version becomes a new version of the document.

– Alternatively, you can cancel the check-out. This discards the draft and restores the main version.
– Only users with edit access to the draft version can check it in or cancel the check-out.
– You can't delete a document that is checked out. First check in the document or cancel the check-out.

1. There are several ways to check in a document. In the draft document:

  • in the Properties tab, click the Check in button in the banner
  • in any tab, select Check in in the More actions menu


  • in the Versions tab, click the Check in button


Note: The Versions tab may not be visible if a library administrator has restricted its visibility. Learn more: Restrict who can see the list of previous versions.

  • in a view select a document and then select Check in in the More actions menu


2. In the Check the document in dialog, enter:

  • a name for the version
  • a description for the version, if required

Note: You can’t use the same name as another version of the document.


The previous main version of the document is still accessible from Versions in the left panel. Learn more: Manage document versions in AODocs libraries.

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  • I have used Draft Workflow state in order to process to check-out automaticly however the person who must do the action cannot see the draft version until I manually authorised him, how can we change that ?

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  • The permissions at the Draft Workflow State are completely independent from the Published state (blue). You'll have to set them according to who you want to access the draft version. You can always as an admin manually override this setting but setting this in the workflow state permission will systematically assign the permission when the document is checked out.

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  • Great ! I'll do that !

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  • HI, is there a way to create a view with "Last Versions" only, even if some of them are check-out?

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  • Hi Emanuele, yes it is possible. In the configuration of the View, select “Published” under the Show checked-out documents setting:

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