Cancel a check-out: discard a draft version

When a user manually checks out a document, a draft version is created. You can manually discard the draft version of a document if you are authorized to edit it.

Learn more: Check out a document: create a draft version

1. There are several ways to cancel the check-out of a document:

  • in the Properties tab of the draft document, click the Discard draft button in the banner


  • in the Versions tab of the draft document, click the Discard draft button


Note: The Versions tab may not be visible if a library administrator has restricted its visibility. Learn more: Restrict who can see the list of previous versions.

  • in any tab of the draft document, select Discard draft in the More actions menu


  • in a view, select a document with a Draft version tag, then select Discard draft in the More actions menu


2. A confirmation message opens, indicating that all changes made in the draft version will be discarded. Click Confirm to cancel the check-out and discard the changes.

The draft version is deleted and the permissions are restored on the main version.

The user whose check-out is canceled is notified by email.

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  • If your document class is set up with "Disable manual versioning" and that the versioning is managed by the workflow then it's expected that you don't see the option.

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  • I don't see this option. Is it possible that we don't have this in our library?
    Is there another way to discard a draft version and go back to main version?

    Thanks in advance

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  • Hello Thibault,

    Thank you very much for the explanation. It's clear now and I managed to delete the draft version I wanted.

    Have a nice day.

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  • Good day! How we can recover the document with attachments which has been discarded occasionally?

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  • When draft documents are discarded, their metadata are deleted and their attachments are stored completely unshared in the storage account of the library. You would have to contact the administrators in charge of the storage accounts to retrieve these attachments individually. I suggest that this type of operation is kept exceptional and supervised by our support team. There is a feature request that could answer this topic, if you want to add your situation there :

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