Prevent viewers from downloading, copying and printing

Viewers are library users who can access documents in a read-only mode. By default, viewers can download, copy and print attachments. According to your library permissions, you can prevent viewers from managing attachments.

Note: Library administrators can also prevent users from duplicating documents.

As a library administrator, you can manage this option at different levels:

Automatically generated table of contents


– Contributors can manage this option for folders and documents only if they are allowed to share items.
– If the option is activated, viewers can't download, copy or print attachments from the attachment preview and from Google Drive.

Activate the option for a folder or a document

Note: If you activate this option for a folder, all its subfolders and documents will be impacted.

1. In a view, select the folder or document to configure.

2. In the action bar, click the Edit document or folder permissions button.


3. Select the checkbox Prevent viewers from downloading, copying and printing.

4. Save your changes.


Activate the option for a document class

Important: This option is available only for Secured Folder and Document Management libraries.

Note: If you activate this option for a document class, all its documents will be impacted.

1. Open your library.

2. Access the library administration.

3. Under Document classes, open the document class to configure.

4. In the Security tab, select the checkbox Viewers can't download, copy or print documents.

5. Save your changes.


Activate the option for a library

Note: If you activate this option for a library, all folders and documents will be impacted.

1. Open your library.

2. Click the Library security button. The Library security dialog opens.

3. Select the Root Folder permissions tab.

Important: This tab is available only in Secured Folders and Team Folders. The option to prevent viewers from downloading, copying and printing is available in the Document Management library security settings.

4. Select the checkbox Prevent viewers from downloading, copying and printing.

5. Save your changes.


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  • I did try this morning but I confuse terms I think.
    I wanted to prevent viewers (in my head = reader of the library) as in our case, we have opened the library with reading access to our domain, but I would have liked to prevent download copying and printing to the domain, but to allow it to contributors (in our case = all people from our entities) and administrators.
    Could it be an improvement?

    It would also be good to be able to show the option "copy the document" in an AODocs document itself to some roles but not to all.

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  • Hi Céline,
    If your library is set with "All users in the domain have View access to the library" and other users or groups in "Can edit" access, only the users and groups explicitly listed in the library permissions with "Can edit" will be able to download.
    Keep in mind that the setting is applied at every file level, so there is a propagation time.

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  • Hi Thibault,

    When you say "can edit" access, you mean "contributor" setting in library security?

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  • Correct!

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  • Is there a way of preventing Editors from downloading, copying and printing documents in a library?

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  • Unfortunately, no. Google Drive doesn't have this level of permission (yet).

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