Perform workflow actions

When configuring a workflow, library administrators define workflow participants. These are users who can perform manual workflow actions. They can move a document from one workflow state to another one and leave a workflow transition comment. Learn more: What are workflows?

This article explains how to:

Automatically generated table of contents

Perform workflow actions in a document

1. Open a document in AODocs as a workflow participant.

2. Click the Workflow button and select the workflow action you want to perform.

Note: The Workflow button:
–  isn't displayed if you have no workflow actions to perform on the document
–  is grayed out (unavailable) if there are mandatory properties that aren't filled in, if there are properties with invalid values, or if the document has been checked out manually


3. In the Perform workflow action dialog, you can enter a comment related to your workflow action.

Note: Comments can be optional or mandatory. Learn more: Configure user actions for your workflows.

4. Click Submit.


5. When you submit the workflow action:

  • the workflow state is updated (if all participants have completed the workflow transition)
  • you can see all workflow transitions and comments in the right sidebar, which is displayed in the Properties tab and attachment tabs of the document

Note: Library administrators can define who can see the Transitions and Comments tabs. Learn more: Configure your library's general settings.


Perform workflow actions in a view

1. Open a view in AODocs as a workflow participant.

2. Select one or more documents in the same workflow state. A panel appears displaying the current workflow state and a button for each available workflow action. 

3. Click the button corresponding to the workflow action you want to perform. 

Notes: The workflow panel isn't displayed if:
– you have no workflow actions to perform on the selected documents
– you selected documents in different workflow states
– a selected document can't be transitioned because it has mandatory properties that aren't filled in, properties with invalid values, or has been checked out manually

Note: If there are more than three actions available, they are listed in a drop-down menu.


4. The Confirm dialog opens, listing the documents in which you are about to perform a workflow action.

You can enter a comment related to your workflow action.

Note: Comments can be optional or mandatory. Learn more: Configure workflow user actions.

5. Click Confirm


7. Messages appear at the bottom of the screen indicating that the documents are being transitioned and when the transition is complete. If required, click the up arrow to see the names of your documents and the status of the transition. 

image06.png     image07.png   

Perform workflow actions in an email notification

By default, action emails are sent to users who have the permission to perform workflow actions in the current state. Library administrators can also configure action reminders, which are sent to workflow participants who have a pending workflow action to perform.

As a workflow participant, you can use the buttons in these emails emails to perform the required action directly.

Note: Library administrators can configure the content and layout of these emails and whether or not workflow participants receive them. Learn more:
Configure workflow emails – Action emails
Configure workflow emails – Action reminders

1. Open the action email you received.

One or more workflow buttons are available, depending on the set up of your workflow. 

2. Click the required workflow action button. 

3. In the Perform workflow action dialog, you can enter a comment related to your workflow action.

Note: Comments can be optional or mandatory. Learn more: Configure user actions for your workflows.

4. Click Submit.

Note: An information message appears if the workflow action can't be performed, for example, if the document is locked because it's being edited by another user or if the workflow action has already been completed. 

Action email
Action reminder email

View the status of parallel workflow actions

If several people need to perform a workflow action on a document, you may want to check who has performed the action on the document.

Note: The Workflow transition status menu option is available only:
– when a parallel workflow transition is in progress
– for workflow participants and administrators

View the status of parallel workflow actions in a document

1. Open a document as a workflow participant.

2. Select Workflow transition status from the More actions menu.

The Workflow transition status dialog opens. It displays all participants of the parallel action and sorts them into two groups:

  • those who have performed the workflow action
  • those who have not yet performed the workflow action

Tip: To access the Workflow transition status dialog, you can also open the Transitions tab and click See Details in the box showing the parallel transition. By default, the See details button is available to everyone who can access the document, including readers.


When the workflow transition is complete, you can open the Transitions tab and click See Details in the box showing the completed transition to see the history of the workflow transition.


View the status of parallel workflow actions in a view

1. Open a view in AODocs as a workflow participant.

2. Select a document in which there is an unfinalized parallel workflow action.

3. Click the Workflow transition status button. The Workflow transition status dialog opens. It displays all participants of the parallel action and sorts them into two groups:

  • those who have performed the workflow action
  • those who have not yet performed the workflow action


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  • I have an additional question about point 4: Is it possible that people receive an email with the comment that was given when the workflow is pushed to the next step? Or maybe that a pop-up opens in the document itself? We've noticed that some colleagues don't check the comments, especially when the right side panel isn't opened.
    Thanks in advance for the response.

    Comment actions Permalink
  • In your email notification, you can add the placeholder ${latestComment}, it might be what you need.
    All the placeholders are listed here:

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Thanks Thibault, this is what I need!

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  • Hi everyone, here is my problem.

    I want to have 3 possibilities for each reviewer of a document. Approve / Not reviewed (mandatory comment) / Reject .

    Approve and Not reviewed should have the same effect on the transition (when everyone has either "approved" or "not reviewed", the workflow would go to the next step) and reject would make the process to reset.
    But I can't find how to have 2 different choices transitioning to the same step ( I can't set the transition to state "to be validated" when all members of "reviewers" have "approved" or "not reviewed" the document).

    I could use some help here :)

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  • I see what you are trying to achieve. Currently it will not be possible to achieve this set up with only the workflow configuration. You will need to combine your workflow configuration with custom scripts. I will send some help, they'll reach out to you directly.

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  • Thanks a lot Thibault. It would be very nice from you because I really need this function if I want my workflow to be really efficient.

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  • Hello,
    I am performing workflow actions in a view. It had worked quite well from initial state to the workflow state I wanted, however when I try to do it from another state (not initial state) the button doesn't show, how can I do ?

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  • Hi Katelyne, if the action doesn't show it's likely the workflow is not set to either:
    - allow transition from that other state to the state you want
    - or allow you to perform that specific transition
    An administrator of your library could check and change the setup if needed, I suggest you reach out to them.

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