Manage AODocs storage accounts

The AODocs storage account is a Google Workspace account belonging to your Google domain that you assign to AODocs. It's used by AODocs to own managed files in Google Drive.

You need to create multiple AODocs storage accounts when managing a large number of files and to avoid performance bottlenecks.

Important: The AODocs storage account settings page is available to:
– AODocs super administrators
– users with one of the permissions-based granular domain roles for managing AODocs storage accounts

– If you modify your AODocs storage accounts or if you add or delete documents in your libraries, you won't see the applied changes straight away. The AODocs storage account and library statistics are updated once a day. 
– We recommend not to exceed 50,000 active files per AODocs storage account. For more information about AODocs performance best practices, contact the AODocs Support team by email at or open a ticket.

Automatically generated table of contents

Access the AODocs storage account settings

1. Access the domain administration.

2. Select Storage. The Storage accounts table is displayed.

Understand the list of AODocs storage accounts

The list of AODocs storage accounts has the following columns:

  • Storage account: the email addresses of the AODocs storage accounts available for AODocs
  • Libraries: the number of libraries managed by the AODocs storage account
  • Documents: the number of documents owned by the AODocs storage account
  • Attachments: the number of attachments (Google Drive files) owned by the AODocs storage account
  • Subscriptions: the number of documents managed by the AODocs storage account multiplied by the number of permissions set on each document. Permissions can be granted to either individuals or groups – for example, a subscription for a group of 20 users counts as one subscription, whereas 20 individual users require 20 subscriptions
  • Availability: the users or groups who can select the AODocs storage account when they create a library
  • Storage quota: the percentage of your quota used by the AODocs storage account


Manage the default AODocs storage account

When a user creates a library, they need to select which AODocs storage account will own all its documents. Each library can have only one AODocs storage account. However, a single AODocs  storage account can be used for several libraries.

If more than one AODocs storage account has been configured, when a user creates a new library, AODocs prompts the user to select an AODocs storage account from the list of available accounts. This list is restricted to the AODocs storage accounts for which the availability setting includes this user.

You can change the default AODocs storage account by selecting the Default checkbox in the Storage accounts table.

Important: Your changes are applied immediately.


Filter your AODocs storage accounts

You can apply filters to your list of AODocs storage accounts to search for AODocs storage accounts based on their:

  • name – partial or full email address
  • statistics – minimum and maximum number of libraries, documents and attachments

1. Click the filter button.

2. Enter the required search criteria.

3. Click Apply filters. The list of AODocs storage accounts that match your search criteria is displayed.

Tip: Click Reset to remove the filters and display all your AODocs storage accounts.


Add AODocs storage accounts

1. Click the Add button.

2. Enter the email address of the new AODocs storage account.

3. Select the AODocs storage account availability:

  • Only library creators: only library creators and AODocs super administrators can select the AODocs storage account when they create a library
  • Nobody: nobody (this means no library creators or AODocs super administrators) can select the AODocs storage account when they create a library

Note: You can't set an AODocs storage account as the default if its availability is set as Nobody.

  • Only for: only one individual user or group can select the AODocs storage account when they create a library

Note: In the Only for field:
– you can enter only one email address
– you can add any user or group with access to your domain, including an allowlisted external user or group; learn more: Manage external users

Important: This user or group doesn't have to be defined in the list of library creators for them to be able to create a library and select the AODocs storage account.
Learn more: Manage library creators.

4. Click Save.


Edit the availability of AODocs storage accounts

Note: You can't edit the default AODocs storage account.

1. Select the AODocs storage account to edit.

2. Open the More actions menu.

3. Select Edit.

4. Select one of the AODocs storage account availability options.

5. Click Save.


Remove AODocs storage accounts

Note: You can't remove:
– an AODocs storage account that manages a library
– the default AODocs storage account

1. Select the AODocs storage account to remove.

2. Open the More actions menu.

3. Click Remove.

Change the AODocs storage account of a library

If you need to change the AODocs storage account of a library, contact the AODocs Support team by email at or open a ticket.

Important: When you change the AODocs storage account of a library, the old and new storage accounts must be on the same Google domain.

Best practices for managing AODocs storage accounts

The display name of the AODocs storage account is not managed in AODocs but corresponds to the First Name and Last Name of the Google Account. Your Google Workspace admin could provide you with several technical accounts with different email addresses but with same name. This provides coherence in the Google Drive interface because only the technical account name is displayed. Learn more about renaming Google Accounts.

– Changing an AODocs storage account's email addres, first name or last name may cause temporary issues for Smartbar users: The new name may not be detected by the Smartbar immediately. Reload the Google Drive page to fix the issue or wait up to two hours.
– By default, when you change the email address of the storage account, the previous email address is added automatically as an alias. Don't delete the alias, it is important to keep it.

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  • It would be really useful if we could download the list of Storage Accounts to a Google Sheet.

    At the moment the only way to get a list is to copy and paste from each screen.

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hey John, we actually have a sheet add-on that can do this. It is an experimental project so not officially supported by our support team. You can find it here -

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  • Does AODocs give any recommendations on the maximum number of subscriptions per Library/Storage Account?

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hi John,
    Thanks for your question. Do you mean the maximum number of licenses?
    Thanks !

    Comment actions Permalink
  • I mean the maximum number of subscriptions per Library/Storage Account.

    Eg if the number of subscriptions on an active Storage Account in 6,000,000, is that too high?

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