This article lists all the updates made to AODocs since 23 February 2024.
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This change log covers the following AODocs components:
- AODocs web application
- AODocs backend
- AODocs mobile app
- Bulk file downloader: the component that allows users to download attached files from the right panel in Document Management libraries. Learn more: Download attachments in bulk.
- Advanced viewer
- File storage manager: the component that enables libraries with Google Cloud Storage and Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. Learn more: Where is my content stored?
Note: Under normal circumstances, all releases are deployed to all customer domains and instances (US and EU). Learn more: What are AODocs instances? However, AODocs Life Sciences domains use a separate release cycle. We may occasionally restrict the deployment to specific domains or instances for technical reasons.
Details of major releases and hot fixes
AODocs back-end 65.11 release on 8 January 2025
New features and improvements
- We added a scheduled task to clean up old audit log data every week, removing outdated details for logs older than six months.
- We improved the clarity of the error message when a Category value ID is not present or incorrectly formatted in a calculated property formula
- We updated email and library indexing endpoints to filter by domain patterns.
Bug fix
- When opening links from workflow notification emails, the default view now opens. Before, the first view defined in the library opened.
Technical improvements
- We added cache control to specific API endpoints. This improves performance and reduces unnecessary calls, with an opt-out feature flag for quick reversion if needed.
AODocs Mobile App 20.0.0 released on 20 December
Feature improvements
- There's a new button to scroll to the top of the list of documents in one tap.
- You can. now re-order the list of attachments.
- We improved how properties with long names are displayed.
AODocs Web application 65.7 released on 18 December 2024
Feature improvements
- In libraries using Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage, it's now possible to add attached files when creating a document (before saving).
Bug fix
- In the formula editor for calculated properties and settings, syntax error messages were no longer displayed. This has been fixed.
AODocs back-end 65.10 released on 17 December
Feature improvements
- We optimized the process for caching access tokens to reduce unnecessary calls and improve performance.
- We added diagnostic logs to track custom script compilation performance, including details like domain, library, script size, and compilation time.
- We added a notification when a new attachment is added to a document.
Bug fixes
- User email changes are now synced with the Firebase database to prevent access issues after renaming or domain migrations.
- We created a tool to resolve issues with missing domain storage account links.
- We improved the document search internal API by standardizing how fields are handled, including workflow state and title as regular fields to simplify front-end integration.
- AODocs no longer crashes when a folder is incorrectly marked as neither root nor having a parent.
- We fixed an issue preventing email accounts from being created or used, including missing confirmation messages and emails.
Technical improvements
- Outdated data from audit logs is now removed by clearing entries older than six months.
- We improved the speed of SearchDocumentsByView by caching repeated data and making field lookups more efficient.
AODocs back-end 65.9 released on 4 December 2024
Feature improvement
- We added a local tool to remove outdated audit log details older than six months (to reduce storage costs).
Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue where the domain registration API showed success even when there were errors.
- We added a new method to filter and retrieve category value trees based on view settings.
- We enabled the API to return pre-filtered category values for views with the "Browse by Category" setting.
AODocs back-end 65.8 released on 28 November 2024
Feature improvement
- We improved AODocs to pause deferred tasks when hitting rate limits.
Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue in the email service notification where a missing StoredEmail caused an error when processing email service requests.
- We fixed an issue where calls to the email service failed due to connection errors.
Advanced viewer 1.1.3 released on 21 November 2024
The feature now requires sign-in with email and password.
AODocs back-end 65.7 released on 20 November 2024
New features and improvements
- We added an API endpoint to retrieve attached file details for a list of selected documents, including file properties (metadata) and thumbnails.
- We added an API endpoint to retrieve a document's permissions (in Secured Folders and Document Management libraries).
- We added an API endpoint to update a document's permissions, supporting changes to inherited permissions, reader download settings, and custom access levels for users, groups, and roles (in Secured Folders and Document Management libraries).
Bug fixes
- The warning message for muted workflow notifications was updated to provide clearer guidance for reactivating notifications.
- A null value in the relation list no longer causes an error when handling large sets of related documents.
AODocs Web application 65.5 released on 18 November 2024
New features and feature improvements:
- The advanced viewer is now embedded in the document page, and no longer opens in a new tab.
- Non-Google users can now replace attached files in Drive.
Bug fixes:
- You can now save documents containing a property with a validation rule that isn't filled in.
- You can now paste emails into Person properties with a validation rule.
- Some emails were incorrectly marked in error in Person properties with a validation rule.
- Users signed in through Microsoft can now add attached riles in Drive libraries.
- Google external users can now use the Microsoft online editors.
- Readers of a document can no longer see the Microsoft online editor buttons.
- We removed unnecessary authentication checks when previewing a Drive file.
AODocs backend 65.6 released on 14 November
- We have a new API for managing user reindexing in external services.
Bug fixes:
- We improved how file content changes are tracked, especially for non-Google files.
- We resolved an issue with Azure identity integration permissions.
- We fixed an error in the audit log cleanup.
- We adjusted the Google Account check to avoid sign in errors.
- We improved handling of file owner changes in document migrations.
- We prevented the library creation API from creating libraries with the incorrect attachment mode.
- We prevented the API from creating workflows with the initial state set to draft.
- We fixed the failure state of workflow API creation.
- We propagated the library administrator "write" permission on all folders of the library even if inheritance is disabled.
Technical improvement:
- It is now possible to get a filtered list of classes for a specific view from the API.
File storage manager 3.9 released on 28 October
New features and feature improvements:
- We enabled the attached files preview to be displayed in an iFrame in libraries using Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and Azure Blob Storage (ABS), for integration with AODocs.
- We added extra permissions to make it possible to upload files larger than 2GB to Azure Blob Storage.
Bug fixes:
- We changed the log level from ERROR to WARNING for change notifications on files not managed by AODocs.
- We fixed an issue with Azure Blob Storage change event processing in GCS and ABS libraries by reducing task runtime to prevent timeouts.
- We fixed an issue that prevented Azure-related features like file creation and notifications from working properly.
Technical improvements
We converted integration tests into unit tests for the following features:
- download archive objects
- import objects (Google Cloud Storage)
- download objects
- update objects
- upload objects
- delete objects
- locks
AODocs backend 65.5 released on 28 October 2024
New features and feature improvements:
- We added a way to check quickly if a user has a Google Account directly through a specific API (the
API). - Information on whether folder permissions are inherited is now included in the folder permissions API.
- We created alerts in the monitoring system to indicate when there’s a delay or failure in the service, allowing us to catch issues earlier.
Bug fixes:
- We fixed an issue where users were redirected and the page refreshed incorrectly when trying to duplicate an email across libraries without proper access.
- We removed unnecessary error logs that appeared during document searches when a custom field was missing.
- We muted the logging of malware detection errors as critical issues to reduce unnecessary alerts, while still tracking them as warnings for reporting purposes.
- We resolved an issue where contributors couldn’t delete documents in beta views if folder deletion was limited to library administrators.
- The activation of the library homepage, the list of workflow tasks, and view pages was simplified by using a single flag.
Technical improvements
- Azure Secret authentication was replaced with Azure AD workload identity federation for stronger security.
- We fixed issues in the release process for AODocs 65.4.
- We improved Sonar builds by adding a build cache, enabling pull request decoration, and adjusting settings for different types of builds.
- We cleaned up the technical debt in Genesis, including removing outdated code, fixing build warnings, stabilizing unit tests, and improving Dagger code generation.
- We can now handle insufficient permission errors when copying libraries.
- Fixed issues for email/password sign-in on Microsoft Online editors.
- There's a new API endpoint to speed up the Smartbar extension.
- There are new API endpoints to support the new web application.
AODocs backend 65.4.2 released on 14 October 2024
Technical improvement: We made some updates to the API to support the new views page.
AODocs backend 65.4 released on 26 September 2024
New features and feature improvements
- The workflow transition history is now retrieved from custom scripts.
- You can now access the additional document permissions modal via URL without requiring user invitations.
Bug fixes
- We fixed an error preventing document titles from being calculated from properties containing URL values.
- We fixed the audit log entries to reflect the newly created library ID in copied libraries.
- We corrected a misleading audit log message to accurately describe when a file can't be found.
- We updated the implementation of resumable upload to support attachment replacement without losing the history.
- We added a custom configuration flag to hide the Microsoft sign-in option.
- Changing a custom role on a folder now propagates the corresponding permissions to Drive in Secured Folders and Document Management libraries.
Technical improvements
- We improved how we support our new branching model for pull requests and tags.
- We fixed an issue with artifact deployment to JFrog so all necessary components are deployed.
AODocs Web application 65.3 released on 19 September 2024
Bug fix: The UFO button stopped working in legacy views after release 65.2. This has been fixed.
AODocs Web application 65.2 released on 12 September 2024
New features and feature improvements
- Allowlisted external users can now sign in to AODocs with any email and password. The sign in process includes account creation and forgotten password flows. This feature must be activated via AODocs support.
- External non-Google users can now upload new attached files in Drive.
- Users can export lists of documents from views, taking into account the displayed columns and applied filters.
- A warning banner is displayed on the document page when an attached file is encrypted with Google Workspace CSE (client-side encryption).
- Document actions that are not possible when there are CSE encrypted attached files are now not available.
- The Metadata Copy bookmarklet now works in beta views.
Bug fixes
- The Edit with Google option is now hidden for non-Google users.
- The Edit with local software UFO option is now hidden for non-Google users.
- The grid/thumbnails mode in beta views is now hidden for non-Google users.
- The names the options for the display density setting was updated.
AODocs backend 65.3 released on 12 September 2024
New features and feature improvements
- The Drive labels property on copied documents is synced with the newly created attachments instead of the originals.
- The saveDocumentPermission endpoint now validates the format of the email address.
- The search indexing events and Pub/Sub topic have been moved to Core.
- On a dedicated instance we have:
- merged UserPreferences entities during migration to prevent data loss and ensure correct preference handling for trusted domains
- implemented a private API to cleanse sensitive audit log data from BigQuery tables post-migration, for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance
- created a new environment for migration testing with a production-like infrastructure
Bug fixes:
- We have implemented a quick fix for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) vulnerability by adding a configurable allow list for Origin headers.
- We have fixed the issue where Sign in with Google was always displayed on a version of the sign in page, regardless of activated sign-in options.
- The incorrect attachment error for Microsoft Super Admins when accessing Google attachments in Drive libraries has been fixed.
- There is now a hard limit for the relation list API to prevent loading issues with large numbers of related documents.
- Sign-in options based on domain configuration are now displayed on the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) sign-in page.
- Attached files were not indexed correctly after discarding or checking-in draft documents. After checking-in or discarding a draft, the “main document” file content index is now kept for indexing.
- Custom scripts can now call and run the File Templating Service as System in libraries using Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage.
AODocs backend 65.2 released on 13 August 2024
New features:
- Notifications and action emails on state level are now disabled by default for newly created workflows.
- We introduced a signInProviders field to handle the different File storage manager
providers. - Users can now be warned and prevented from checking in documents with attachments that cannot be downloaded.
- Users are now prevented from creating a new version of a document through the user interface, REST API, and custom scripts when it contains encrypted attachments.
- We introduced a new reindexing API for external services, allowing targeted reindexing at the domain, library, or document level to optimize performance and support new use cases.
Bug fixes:
- We improved access token handling and token generation on a dedicated domain.
- Bulk workflow transitions are now prevented for automatic transitions.
- We fixed incorrect usage of the primary domain name in library reindexing to prevent errors.
- We improved File storage manager file indexing, making it work better for libraries with deleted storage accounts.
We fixed an issue to make sure attachments take title parameters correctly, preventing "Copy of" from being added to automatically.
Technical improvements
- We improved the way we release AODocs.
- We now have automatic execution across all environments without a progressive roll-out.
File Storage Manager 3.8 released on 13 August 2024
Bug fixes:
- We resolved an issue with the MS Online editor getting stuck on infinite loading for domains using Azure storage.
Technical improvement:
- We improved a series of technical tests.
AODocs backend 65.1 released on 23 July 2024
New features:
- Allow non-Google users to upload files in a Drive library.
- Ability to activate the new user interface based on custom configurations.
Bug fix: The folder permissions API uses human-readable IDs for standard AODocs roles.
AODocs backend 64.10 released on 15 July 2024
Bug fixes
- Library administrators can now update outdated category values in the library administration.
- The File Storage Manager can now properly index attachments with the DOC extension.
- We fixed an issue with tasks being interrupted by a 10-minute limit due to a low stop-processing value.
New features or feature improvements
- Library administrators can now set the number of search results to retrieve from Google Drive attachments.
- Users can now start an asynchronous comprehensive search for Drive attachments in AODocs.
- We added a new set of enumerations to handle email/password login cases in the domain entity.
Technical improvements
- We improved the way we release AODocs.
- We restored validation checks in Drive permissions.
AODocs backend 64.9 released on 24 June 2024
Bug fixes
- The error message for a calculated property without fallback values now correctly indicates a runtime error.
- We fixed the tool that indexes attached files in libraries using Google Cloud Storage or Microsoft Azure Blob Storage with DOC extensions for both draft and main document versions.
Technical improvements
- We extended the queue time of AODocs core to three hours to prevent build expirations due to parallel CPU limits.
- We improved the way we release AODocs.
New features and feature improvements
- We now allow delayed permission reset for versioned attachments during library copy.
- We can now avoid blocking purge domain tasks due to contention.
AODocs backend 64.8.1 released on 17 June 2024
Bug fixes
- The link macro now properly sanitizes special characters, ensuring secure handling of placeholders in URLs.
- The library homepage now loads properly when custom document class property settings have formulas ending with a semicolon.
- We improved the way we handle errors in the File Storage Manager.
- We fixed two issues related to the optimization of conditional logic.
- We implemented handling of lock errors for duplicated document imports. When users imported a document that was already present, lock error sometimes occurred, leading to import failures and unnecessary error messages.
- We fixed the behaviour of the filtered folder tree.
Technical improvement
- We enhanced the alerting mechanism for full search indexes, with daily checks and improved thresholds, ensuring proactive quota increases and preventing outdated search results.
New features and feature improvements
- Library administrators can now increase the number of search results retrieved from Google Drive attachments.
Advanced viewer 1.1.1 released on 11 June 2024
Technical improvement: Users now sign in through a pop-up because Google deprecated the same-page method.
AODocs web application 64.4 released on 23 May 2024
This release fixes a regression introduced with AODocs web application 64.3.
Bug fixes:
- Super administrators were no longer able to attach files to templates and documents.
- File type icons were missing when attaching a Google Sheet, Slide or Drawing to a document.
File Storage Manager 3.7 released on 23 May 2024
Bug fixes:
- We fixed a bug which prevented a document from being checked out when the read-only when not checked out option was set, in Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage libraries only.
- We fixed a bug which prevented users from accessing some attachments in copied Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage libraries.
Technical improvement:
- We improved some technical tests on the product.
AODocs backend 64.7 released on 22 May 2024
Bug fixes
- We fixed two bugs which happened when the optimization on conditional logic was enabled:
- the property name and ID are now specified in all error messages
- the line number is now correct in all error messages
Note: from now on, the column number in the error messages is no longer reported, since it’s meaningless.
- An issue was preventing AODocs from knowing if sending an email was successful or not. This has been fixed.
- Synchronization of Drive labels from Drive to AODocs: when a document is checked in and Drive labels were updated while in the draft state, the new labels are now correctly retrieved in the new version of the document.
- When an AODocs domain is under "maintenance”, some automatic technical operations are now skipped to reduce infrastructure costs.
Feature improvements
- Our Support teams can now copy many libraries in one go, across different domains.
- We can now clean very large AODocs domains more easily.
- It's not possible to check out an AODocs document when an attachment is encrypted with Google's client-side encryption.
We can now specify the required domain when generating a refresh token for a specific scope. This can be useful for specific custom scripts.
Technical improvements
- We improved the way we release AODocs.
- We stop executing outdated automatic maintenance tasks to reduce infrastructure costs.
AODocs web application 64.3 released on 21 May 2024
Feature improvements:
- We reordered the folder actions in the beta views contextual menu and, in Team Folders and Secured Folders only, added an action Open in Google Drive.
- We reintroduced the button Open in Google Drive in the top action bar in Team Folders and Secured Folders. This button is available when nothing is selected. Clicking this button opens the current folder in Drive.
Bug fixes:
- When users created two Google attached files in a document quickly one after the other, the second file wasn't attached to the document.
- An attached file was lost without warning when two users tried to add an attached file to the same document at the same time.
AODocs backend 64.6 released on 6 May 2024
Feature improvements
- We improved our internal tool to purge (discard) an AODocs tenant.
- Users can't check out an AODocs document that has an attached file encrypted with client-side encryption (CSE).
Note: This is the backend part of the feature only. The frontend part will be released at a later date.
Bug fixes
- We fixed a bug that created a bottleneck on the list of notification emails to send out.
- We fixed a bug to prevent unnecessary interactions with Google Drive when an AODocs domain has been fully switched to Microsoft Azure. This is to avoid unnecessary infrastructure costs.
Technical improvements
We made improvements to some of our automatic maintenance tasks:
- We fixed an issue which made some automatic maintenance tasks fail.
- We reduced the frequency of running tasks on libraries that have been archived.
AODocs backend 64.5 released on 25 April 2024
Bug fixes
We optimized the execution of conditional logic formulas:
We fixed a bug that prevented a formula from running when there was an initial blank line.
We fixed a bug that displayed "[]" in an empty calculated multi-value property, instead of displaying nothing.
Microsoft Word DOC attached files are now searchable in Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage libraries:
- With the AODocs backend 64.1 release we fixed the issue for newly attached DOC files.
- With this release, the DOC files already attached to documents will be searchable again. However, this operation must be triggered by the AODocs Support team and it will be effective a few days after the AODocs 64.5 release.
We fixed a bug that prevented the
audit log event from being created after sending an email.
Feature improvement
- We improved the security on the feature allowing AODocs support teams to copy a library across various domains.
AODocs web application 64.2 released on 17 April 2024
Important: This release was deployed to the US instance only.
Feature improvement: We updated the text on the domain administration AODocs Super administrators page to make it clearer.
Bug fixes
- There's no longer an error when you click Save twice in a newly created document.
- Related item titles now use the full available width.
- The search box is no longer filled with the previous query when you switch views.
- Dates are now displayed correctly when the language is set to en_AU.
- The Edit button is no longer deactivated for a long time when you open a document.
- Bulk file downloader in Google Cloud Storage and Azure Blob Storage libraries no longer fails when files have parenthesis in their name.
Technical improvement: We enabled the use of the Advanced viewer on a dedicated instance. Additional steps are required before it becomes available.
AODocs backend R64.4 released on 17 April 2024
Feature improvements
- When you create a document using the API, you can't add an attachment to a previous version if it's encrypted with Google client-side encryption.
- Previous versions of a document are now updated when a Google Drive label changes.
- We scaled up the API to perform sanity checks before a library switch, so the switch can be executed on multiple libraries. This API is restricted to the AODocs Support team.
Bug fixes
- When you create a new version of a document, Drive labels are no longer duplicated.
- We fixed a bug that affected the eSign connector and the PDF Generator, preventing many features from working properly.
- When a library is in error, automatic (time-based) workflow transitions are now skipped.
- We fixed a bug that prevented users with email aliases from opening the validation page from a workflow validation email.
- When you create a new version of a document, Drive labels are no longer duplicated
- We fixed a bug on a feature that is not yet publicly available.
Technical improvements
- Technical operations are now avoided when a library is archived, or when a domain is in error.
- We removed various meaningless technical logs, to save storage costs.
- We fixed a technical bug which caused problems when there was a high number of internal service accounts.
- Some operations have been made more robust in the event of a memory issue.
- We improved the technical logs when AODocs performs a search query in Google Drive.
- We made several improvements to the way we ship new AODocs releases.
- We improved the technical tests for the Drive label synchronization feature.
- We improved our internal technical logging system.
AODocs backend 64.3 released on 9 April 2024
New features and feature improvements
- It's now possible to purge (cleanse) an AODocs domain in
status. - We changed the way Drive Labels are handled on template documents from Drive to AODocs.
Technical improvements
- We removed various meaningless technical logs, to save storage costs.
- We improved the way we ship new AODocs releases.
AODocs backend 64.2 released on 3 April 2024
New features and feature improvements
- We added a new API that allows beta views to display the "Browse by folders" panel easily, according to which pre-filters are set on the view.
- It's now possible to index a single email address, to make it searchable. This feature is restricted to the AODocs Support team.
- We made improvements to the synchronization between AODocs and Google Drive labels.
- It's now possible to enable or disable the preview & download of attachments from previous versions of an AODocs document, when Google Cloud Platform and Google Cloud Storage are considered "untrusted".
- It's now possible to retrieve all the documents from a library, in an unordered way, from the API (required by the AODocs Retention Module).
- We stopped backing up some unnecessary data (AODocs technical backup).
- We improved the readability of technical logs coming from Google Cloud Storage and Azure Blob Storage.
- Technical logs are now saved in BigQuery on all environments, so they can be used by our technical teams even after the initial 30-day retention period. This was previously only available on the US production environment.
- We improved the way we develop features and fixes in minor releases.
- We improved the way AODocs manages notifications from Google Drive, so they can be used by other features.
- We improved the way we ship new AODocs releases.
- We removed various meaningless technical logs, to save storage costs.
- We automated some maintenance tasks on the delayed domains (AODocs Life Sciences), which previously had to be handled manually.
Improvements on the support of Google client-side encryption:
- It is not possible to create a draft from a document which has an encrypted attachment.
- It is not possible to create an AODocs document with a new encrypted Drive attached file from custom scripts.
Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue that prevented AODocs from displaying some search results.
- When a parallel workflow transition fails, the
audit log event is no longer generated. - In
audit log events, the File type filter appeared as if it had been changed. However, this didn't reflect any real changes that the user had performed on the file. AODocs now ignores these meaningless changes for the the File type filter. - We fixed an issue preventing external users from attaching one of their Drive files to an AODocs document.
- We fixed a bug that prevented some users from seeing all the libraries from the homepage.
- We fixed an issue on an AODocs API so lists of subfolders are now returned in the proper order.
- To ensure consistency, as long as a library is locked (for example, because it's being switched), it can't be deleted.
- We fixed a memory issue on a private API (restricted to Support and Operations teams).
In addition we made various technical improvements.
AODocs backend 64.1 rolled out on 19 to 20 March 2024 (production domains)
Learn more: AODocs R64 Release notes.
AODocs backend 64.1 released on 14 March 2024 (test domains)
Bug fixes
- We fixed a bug that prevented Word DOC files from being searched when they were stored on Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage. The bug didn't occur with the DOCX format. The fix only applies to newly created attached files. We still need to fix the bug for existing files.
- We fixed two technical bugs that affected our automatic tests.
- We fixed a bug that prevented email notifications from being sent when using the Emails to documents feature.
- We fixed a bug on the upcoming custom sender domain feature, which bypassed the configuration on the library or domain.
New features
- In the view configuration, the system property MIME type group was renamed to File type
- Improvements on the new ability to synchronize labels between AODocs and Google Drive.
Technical improvements
- We improved the automatic tests on the custom sender domain feature.
- We fixed a bug on our tracking system.
- We fixed a bug on our release system.
AODocs backend 63.9 released on 11 March 2024
New features
- When an attachment is encrypted using Google Workspace Client-Side Encryption (CSE), users are now prevented from copying the AODocs document (from the user interface, REST API and custom script).
- When creating a new AODocs document in a draft state from the API in a Team Folder or Secured Folder, AODocs checks the presence and consistency of the attachment.
Bug fixes
- When copying a library, there were sometimes issues with the copy of custom scripts; this is now fixed.
- Technical fix on user redirection, set after an AODocs domain has been moved from one AODocs instance to another one.
- We increased the technical performances of the EU instance, to better serve all the customers using this instance.
Technical improvements
- Two minor fixes and an improvement on the way we ship new releases of AODocs.
AODocs 64 released on 5 March 2024 (test domains)
AODocs R64 is enabled on customer test domains, in both US and EU production environments.
AODocs backend 63.8 released on 28 February 2024
New features:
- It's now possible to import a new AODocs document in a draft workflow state.
- From a custom script, you can set the value of a Reference Catalog property using its ID, and not only its name.
Bug fixes
- The custom configuration flag that lets users change the maximum number of pending workflow tasks listed on the library homepage to above the default value of 100 wasn’t working. We fixed it, so you can now use it again for an entire domain or individual libraries.
- We fixed an issue that prevented users from sending workflow notification emails with the Mailjet email provider when there were more than 50 recipients.
- We fixed a bug preventing users in a Google group or a domain set as library contributor to create a document from a template with more than four attachments.
- We made two technical fixes on our way of releasing new versions of AODocs.
AODocs for AODocs Life Sciences released on 23 February 2024
All customers using AODocs Life Sciences have been upgraded to AODocs 63.7.