Download attachments

Attachments are files that are attached to AODocs documents. Attachments can be stored in any of the compatible storage platforms. 

Learn more:

Note: You can download non-Google attachments directly to your device. To download Google file attachments, you must convert to a downloadable format first.

Automatically generated table of contents

Download attachments from AODocs documents

Open a document in any type of library, then select Download file in the More actions menu.


If the file is a:

  • non-Google file – the file downloads to your computer immediately.
  • Google file (Google document, spreadsheet, presentation or drawing)  – a dialog opens in which you select the format you want to download the file as. Click Download. The file downloads to your computer.


Download attachments from views

In views, you can download:

Download individual attachments

In Team Folders or Secured Folders select a document and then select Download file in the More actions menu.

Downloading an attachment in a Secured Folder

In Document Management libraries using Google Drive, select a document with one or more attachments, open the Attachments panel and then click the Download file button next to the attachment you want to download.

Downloading an attachment in a Document Management library

Depending on whether your attachment is a Google file or non-Google file you may need to select the required format before it downloads.

Download attachments in bulk

Select documents and trigger the download:

  • In Team Folders, Secured Folders, or Document Management libraries using Google Cloud Storage (GCS) or Azure Blob Storage, select two or more documents and then click Download files in the toolbar.


  • In Document Management libraries using Google Drive, select one or more documents with attachments, open the Attachments panel and then click the Download files button.


A new tab opens indicating the progress of the download. 


The tab updates when the download is complete. Your files are downloaded as a zip file with the name of your view. All documents are located in separate folders that take the name of the document they contain. 

Google files are converted as follows:

  • Google documents are converted to Word files (DOCX files)
  • Google spreadsheets are converted to Excel files (XLSX files)
  • Google slides are converted to Powerpoint files (PPT files)
  • Google drawings are converted to PDF files

Note: It isn't possible to download attached Google files in other formats such as Google sites or Google forms. In this case, an error message appears and the download fails.


Download attachments from the advanced viewer

Note: In libraries using Google Drive, the advanced viewer is embedded in AODocs documents. In libraries using other storage platforms, the advanced viewer opens in a new tab. Learn more: Preview attachments.

Download email attached files

If you're viewing an email file (EML or MSG) with attachments in the advanced viewer, you can open its attachments in a new tab and download the attachments in their original format or as PDF files. 

1. Preview an email file in the advanced viewer. Learn more: Preview attachments.

2. Click the attachments button. 

3. Select the required attachment from the drop-down menu. It opens in a new tab, in the advanced viewer. 


4. Click the download button. 

5. Select Original document or PDF in the drop-down menu.

6. Click the Download button. Your attachment is downloaded.


Download other files

1. Preview a document in the advanced viewer. 

2. Click the Download button. 

  • In libraries using Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage, the file is downloaded immediately.


  • In libraries using Google Drive, select Original document or PDF in the drop-down menu. Then click the Download button. Your attachment is downloaded.


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