This article lists all the updates made to AODocs Library Switcher since 13 November 2024.
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Note: Under normal circumstances, all releases are deployed to all customer domains and instances (US and EU). Learn more: What are AODocs instances? However, AODocs Life Sciences domains use a separate release cycle. We may occasionally restrict the deployment to specific domains or instances for technical reasons.
Details of major releases and hot fixes
Library Switcher 2.4 released on 30 December 2024
Feature improvements
- Attempts to create a library switch when an "Update action" type custom script is active are automatically rejected.
- We improved the monitoring interface.
- We adapted the Library Switcher infrastructure to handle requests of more than 100,000 attachments.
Bug fix
- We fixed attachment count discrepancies in the switch monitor.
Technical improvements
- We added log-based metrics to track rate-limited Drive calls.
- We increased the number of tasks that can be handled simultaneously.
- We removed unnecessary logs to avoid hitting Cloud Logging's quota limit in case of heavy traffic.
- A decrement request is now always issued when a task completion event is received.
- Synchronize Drive API quota limit with the Switcher configuration.
Library Switcher 2.3 released on 5 December 2024
New features and feature improvements
- You can filter results by domain in the monitoring interface (Looker Dashboard).
- A library switch is automatically rejected if any document has more than 45 attachments. If this occurs, the system displays a "Switch Creation Error" in the monitoring interface, and the switch will not start.
- A library switch is automatically rejected if a library already has an active switch in progress (prevents duplicate switches). The system will show a "Switch Creation Error" in the monitoring interface, and the switch will not start.
- Defective attachments are automatically rejected, including those flagged as Drive malware, unsupported MIME types, or invisible to the AODocs storage account. The library will still be switched, but attachments identified as defective are excluded.
Bug fix
- We fixed an error 500 that occurred during bucket validation.
Library Switcher 2.1 released on 21 November 2024
Feature improvement
- The Library Switcher can now automatically detect and reject switches that contain documents in one of these states: error, invalid, incomplete, or checked-out. These libraries now remain unchanged, and the relevant error message is specified in the monitoring interface (Looker Dashboard: Switch Creation Errors).
Bug fix
- Switch Creation Errors are now rendered in the monitoring interface when the Library Switcher can't get the library from the AODocs API.
Technical improvements
- We made several back-end improvements.
AODocs Library Switcher 2.0 released on 13 November 2024
New features and improvements
We improved the AODocs Library Switcher to handle larger scale migrations. It can now handle switching libraries containing millions of documents from Drive storage to Google Cloud Storage (GCS) or Azure Blob Storage, in a matter of days.
- You can now manage large quantities of switches in batches (thousands simultaneously). There's a new API endpoint to request a list of library switches in one unique call.
- Infrastructure improvements to support:
- large quantities of library switches
- continuous library switches: the queue isn't cluttered when errors occur in libraries
- You can now switch libraries larger than 2GB to Azure Blob Storage.
- You can now monitor large quantities of library switches: a new BigQuery table is connected to a Looker dashboard.
- You can now connect to the Library Switcher user interface, API or monitoring table using your email. Previously, the Library Switcher connected to AODocs with the AODocs storage account credentials.
- You can change the storage platform of a library from Drive to A> the attachments stay in the same library