Overview of the domain administration homepage

On the domain administration homepage, you can configure and manage domain-level settings.

Important: AODocs domain administration homepage is available to:
– AODocs super administrators
– users with granular domain roles, who have permissions-based access to a restricted set of domain administration features

The domain administration homepage has three parts:

Automatically generated table of contents



The domain administration menu and the home button

The domain administration options are available from the menu and from the domain administration homepage.

  • The Menu button expands the domain administration menu. From the expanded view you can open the submenus for Domain roles and External access.
  • The Home button lets you access the domain administration homepage.

The domain administration options

Note: If you have access to the domain administration because you have been allocated granular domain roles, you will only see the features for which you have permission. Learn more: Access the domain administration with granular domain administration permissions.

The account section

This section is available from all sections of the domain administration.


Note: The links to the AODocs Knowledge Base and Support from this menu are not customizable. Learn more: Customize your documentation and support URLs.


  • The account button displays your name and your email address


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