The Cherry Picker lets you select attachments from one or more documents and copy them either to an existing document or to a new document.
Note: The Cherry Picker is available only:
– in Document Management libraries using Google Drive
– if a library administrator or super administrator has activated it – learn more: Use the API to set up the Cherry Picker
This article explains how to use the Cherry Picker.
1. Open a view in a Document Management library using Google Drive.
2. Select one or more documents with at least one attachment.
3. Click the Cherry Picker button.
4. In the Attachment basket dialog, select the required attachments.
Note: If a document is checked out, a warning sign is displayed. If you select attachments from a checked out document, the published versions are selected. Learn more about Version control with check-out / check-in.
5. Click Next.
6. Select the document class you want to use.
Note: If the Target document class field isn't available, it means your library administrator has restricted the document classes available in the Cherry Picker: only one is available and it is selected by default.
7. Select whether to convert your copied attachments:
- No conversion
- Convert to PDF (default) – your selected attachments are converted to PDF when copied to the target document
- Convert to Microsoft Office – any selected Google attachments are converted to the corresponding Microsoft Office format when copied to the target document; non-Google attachments are not converted
8. If you want to copy the attachments to an existing document:
- select an existing document.
Tip: You can use the search bar to find the required document.
- click Attach to document – the attachments are copied to the selected document and a message appears when the operation is complete
9. If you want to copy the attachments to a new document:
- click Create a new document – a new unsaved document opens
- give your new document a title then save it