We've rebuilt the views page from the ground up. This work took place over several releases and is now complete. The legacy version remains available, and you can switch between the legacy and new versions at any time.
The new version of views is available to all customers. To activate the beta views by default for your users or opt out of deploying the new version of views on your domain, contact our support team at: support@aodocs.com.
We're still interested to hear what you think about the beta views page, to ensure we're aligned with your evolving needs: Tell us what you think about the beta views!
Learn more about views:
This article describes the beta views:
Automatically generated table of contents
Access the beta views page
1. On a library homepage, select one of the views available.
Tip: You can show/hide the Views panel on the left side of the library homepage.
The new version of the view opens.
2. To return to legacy views, select Back to legacy views, then click Back to legacy views.
Note: Click Give feedback to tell us what you think about the beta views page!
Note: If you switch back to the legacy version, all views in your libraries open in the legacy version.
View in a Document Management library
Navigate between views
1. Click the navigate button in the top left corner of your view.
Note: The navigate button isn't displayed in libraries with only one view.
2. Select the required view from the drop down menu.
Search for documents in your view
You can search for documents in your view using keywords.
In beta views, you can search by keyword in:
- properties only
- properties and attachments
Both options are available in all types of library. In the legacy version of views, searching in attachments is available only in Document Management libraries. Aside from this improvement, the search in the beta views functions in the same way as in the legacy version. Learn more: Search for documents by keyword.
Use the "Browse by" panel
If your administrator has configured the Browse by feature in your view, there's a collapsable panel on the left where you can navigate through the structure of your library. Depending on the configuration set up by your administrator, you can browse by:
- folders
- a category property
- workflow states
- document classes
Browse by the category "Country"
The Browse by panel in the beta views currently has the following limitation.
If your library administrator has configured a pre-filter in the view as well as Browse by, the entire folder / category / document class structure is still visible in the Browse by panel, but only documents that meet the pre-filter criteria are visible. This means that if you select at item in the Browse by panel that contains only documents that don't meet the pre-filter criteria, the item looks as if it is empty (even if it isn't) because a pre-filter has been defined for the view.
Customize the columns in your view
Library administrators define the default columns displayed in each view they configure. Learn more: Configure views in your library.
In beta views, users can customize their views to display a different set of columns from those defined by the library administrator. Users can return to the default columns defined by the library administrator at any time.
1. Click Manage columns.
2. Select the columns you want to display in your view. Your view is immediately updated according to your selection.
– Use the search bar to search for the required column heading.
– Click Reset to default to restore the default set of columns defined by the library administrator and their default size.
3. Click anywhere on your view to close the Manage columns list.
4. If required, drag and drop columns using their headers to reorder them.
5. If required, click and drag column titles to resize columns.
6. If required, click a column title to sort the list according to this column. Click again to reverse the order (for example, alphabetical order or increasing/decreasing dates).
– AODocs remembers your choice of columns, their order, their size and the sort criteria. If you close your view and return to it in the same desktop, your customized columns are displayed.
– The legacy version of views doesn't allow users to customize columns, so if you switch to the legacy version, the default columns chosen by the library administrator are displayed.
Tip: Select Has evaluation error to display a column with boolean switches indicating whether documents have calculation errors in conditional logic. Learn more: Handle errors in conditional logic.
Filter your views
You can use the filters that the library administrator configured for your view.
Create documents from your view
You can create document directly from views. Click the New button.
The options available depend on the type of library and the configuration of your document class (for example, whether templates are defined).
Learn more: Create AODocs documents.
Access attachments directly from a view
In Document Management libraries using Google Drive, views have an Attachments panel that lists the attachments in selected documents. You can perform actions on the attachments directly from the Attachments panel.
Important: The Attachments panel isn't available in Team Folders, Secured Folders or in libraries using Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage. Learn more: Where is my content stored?
1. Open a view in a Document Management library using Google Drive.
2. Select one or more documents.
3. Click the Attachments toggle to show the Attachments panel. All selected documents with their attachments are listed.
4. Depending on the type of attachment, you can:
- Open it in Google Drive – learn more: Use the Google Drive preview
Note: You can't currently open files with the advanced viewer from the Attachments panel. Learn more: Use the advanced viewer in libraries using Google Drive.
- Open it in Microsoft Office – learn more: Work with Microsoft Office file attachments in libraries using Google Drive
- Download it – learn more: Download attachments
- Download all selected attachments — learn more: Download attachments in bulk
- Replace it – learn more: Replace attachments starting from a view in a Document Management library
Note: If you're working with non-Google attachments, we recommend installing UFO. Learn more:
– Open and edit non-Google attachments in AODocs with UFO
– Microsoft Office limitations when editing in AODocs without UFO
Attachments panel in a Document Management library using Google Drive – list mode
5. If required, use the toggle in the Attachments panel to switch to grid mode to display the attachments as thumbnails.
Note: The same actions are available in list mode and grid mode.
Attachments panel in a Document Management library using Google Drive – grid mode
Select documents and folders for single or bulk actions
1. Select one or more checkboxes next to documents or folders.
Alternatively, use the Select all button.
Tip: When you click the Select all button, only the documents and folders currently visible are selected. To select all documents and folders available, scroll to the bottom the list with the Select all button active. Learn more about infinite scroll.
2. Select an action.
Learn more:
- Import a folder from Google Drive
- Open a document or folder in Google Drive from an AODocs view
- Move documents or folders
- Edit custom properties
- Open with Microsoft Office (for Microsoft Office files only) or Open with UFO or AFO (for non-Google files)
- Share documents:
- Set additional Google Drive permissions on attachments:
- Delete documents in AODocs
- Download attachments
- Upload non-Google attachments in libraries using Google Drive
- Export documents or folders from AODocs (library administrators only)
- Rename documents
- Rename folders
- Check out, check in or cancel a check out on a document
- Notify users by email
Secured Folder using Google Drive
Document Management library using Google Drive
Export views to Google spreadsheets
You can export views to Google spreadsheets. All the columns in the view and any applied filters applied are taken into account.
Note: Folders are not taken into account unless you select the Folder column for display. Learn more: Customize the columns in your view.
1. Click the button Export to Google sheet. If it's the first time you're using this feature you'll be prompted to sign in to Bulk Updater.
2. Click Open sheet in the message that appears when the export is complete.
Your export opens in a new tab.
Any properties that aren't filled in on the document page by users, such as the document class or a column indicating incomplete properties, are displayed in gray.
Export unfiltered views to Bulk Updater
Click the button Export unfiltered views to Bulk Updater.
Bulk Updater opens on the page to create a simple export. The details of your current view are filled in. If any filters are applied in your view, they are ignored. Learn more: Configure and run simple exports.
Note: Your Bulk Updater administrator can restrict usage of the update feature to a specific list of users. If you're not authorized to update, you can only perform simple exports. Learn more: Bulk Updater: Configure and run your export.
Tip: You may need to sign in to Bulk Updater and grant the required permissions.
Copy the link of your filtered view
Click the button Copy link to view with filters applied. The URL of your view is copied to your clipboard. You can then share the link with colleagues or save it as a bookmark in your browser for easy access.
Scroll documents in your view
The beta views have an infinite scroll. Your documents are loaded and displayed progressively as you scroll down. You don't need to click a button to switch to the next page of results!