Share documents in Document Management libraries

In AODocs, library administrators can configure the sharing permissions to be inherited from a folder, a class or a workflow state.

Library administrators can:

  • force library users (including themselves) to respect the sharing permissions set in the library configuration
  • allow specific permissions to be set at the document level regardless of the sharing permissions inherited by the library configuration

Note: Learn more about sharing permissions with Google groups in AODocs and Microsoft groups in AODocs.

This article explains how to:

Automatically generated table of contents

Check the permission inheritance mode

1. In a view, select the document or folder you want to share.

2. Click the Document permissions button.


3. Check if the inheritance mode can be overridden.


  • If administrators allow you to overwrite the permissions configured in the library configuration for a specific file, you can either:
    • add permissions on top of the inherited permissions
    • remove all inherited permissions and set new permissions


Add permissions on top of the inherited permissions

1. Enter the name or email address of the user or Google group and click Add.


2. Choose the permission level for the added user:

  • Read: permission to read a document
  • Write: permission to modify a document, for example:
    • edit the document's properties
    • rename the document
    • move the document to a different folder
    • add, edit or remove an attachment
  • Comment: permission to comment Google attachments (Google documents, spreadsheets, presentations) — the other elements of the document, such as the properties, the description and the relations are read-only
  • Delete: permission to delete a document
  • Share: permission to modify a document's permissions

Note: Library administrators can choose to restrict or grant the Delete and Share permissions to contributors.

3. Select the Prevent viewers from downloading, copying and printing checkbox to prevent users with read-only access to the document from downloading it.


4. To delete the users you added, click the delete button.

Note: You can’t delete administrators or inherited permissions.


Remove all inherited permissions and set new permissions

1. Click Change and select Ignore inherited permissions.

2. Enter the name or email address of the user or Google group and click Add.


3. Choose the permission level for the added user:

  • Read: permission to read a document
  • Write: permission to modify a document, for example:
    • edit the document's properties
    • rename the document
    • move the document to a different folder
    • add, edit or remove an attachment
  • Comment: permission to comment Google attachments (Google documents, spreadsheets, presentations) — the other elements of the document, such as the properties, the description and the relations are read-only
  • Delete: permission to delete a document
  • Share: permission to modify a document's permissions

Note: Library administrators can choose to restrict or grant the Delete and Share permissions to contributors.

4. Select the Prevent viewers from downloading, copying and printing checkbox to prevent users with read-only access to the document from downloading it.


5. Choose the visibility mode of the document:

  • Documents visible only to specific users and groups: only users and Google groups defined in the list of document permissions (step 3) have access to the document
  • Document visible to all library readers: the document is read-only to all users, including contributors
  • Documents editable by all library contributors: contributors can edit the document, readers can’t view it
  • Documents visible and editable by all: contributors can edit the document, readers can view it


6. To delete the users you added, click the delete button.

Note: You can’t delete administrators and inherited permissions.


Set additional Drive permissions on attachments

Note: This feature is available only in libraries using Google Drive. It isn't available in libraries using other storage platforms such as Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage.

You can set additional Drive permissions in the Document Management libraries on your domain for external users. These permissions aren’t managed by AODocs. They’re managed by Google Drive.

– Only attachments are shared using the additional Drive permissions. Additional users can't access the document from the AODocs interface or use the Smartbar features on the attachment.
– You can add any Google Account to the additional Drive permissions. 
– You can also add non-Google accounts. Learn more: Share documents with visitors.
– By accessing the attachment, the additional user consumes an AODocs license.
– Additional users must be declared in an allowlist. However, AODocs super administrators can bypass the allowlist for additional Drive permissions in Document Management libraries.

1. If the allowlist hasn't been bypassed for your library, make sure that any external users you want to add are allowlisted. Your AODocs super administrator can:

2. In a Document Management library, either:

  • select a document in a view and click the Attachment permissions (Drive) action button
  • open a document and select Edit attachment permissions (Drive) in the More actions menu


 3. You can change the Global visibility option.

These options can be combined with additional users or Google groups (see below):

  • People at your domain
  • People at your domain with the link
  • Individual users or groups: no default additional Drive permissions are applied – only the users and Google groups you add will have access to the attachments

4. If you defined a global visibility setting other than Individual users or groups, select the permission level:

  • Can view attachment (if any)
  • Can comment in attachment (if any)
  • Can edit attachment (if any)


5. You can add users or Google groups.

– These users and Google groups are defined in addition to the global visibility option.
– Icons in the Outside your domain column indicate if users are outside your domain and if they are non-Google users.

6. Select the permission level for each user or Google group:

  • Can view attachments (if any)
  • Can comment in attachments (if any)
  • Can edit attachments (if any)

7. Save the modification.

8. Share the Google Drive URLs of your attachments with the additional users.


Sharing attachments with additional Drive permissions doesn't share the AODocs document, folder structure or the library. The files are available in Google Drive under Shared with me.

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