Change the language of AODocs and the Smartbar

The AODocs interface and the legacy AODocs Smartbar are available in the following languages:

  • English (US)
  • English (UK)
  • French (France)
  • Spanish (Argentina)
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Japanese (Japan)

Note: The new Smartbar isn't yet translated.

The AODocs interface is also available in:

  • Italian (Italy)
  • German (Germany)

This article explains how to:

Automatically generated table of contents

Change the language of the AODocs interface

Directly in the URL

If you accessed the AODocs interface via a bookmark or a shared link, it is displayed in the language defined when the bookmark was saved or the link was shared. You can change the language of the AODocs interface by changing the locale directly in the URL.

1. Identify the current locale in the URL displayed in your browser.

In the example below the locale is en_US, which means that the AODocs interface is currently set to US English.


2. Change the locale setting to the required language:

  • UK English: en_GB
  • US English: en_US
  • French: fr_FR
  • Spanish: es_AR
  • Italian: it_IT
  • Portuguese: pt_BR
  • Japanese: ja_JP
  • German: de_GE

Important: Make sure you leave locale= and change only the language setting.

In the example below the locale has been changed to ja_JP which means that the AODocs interface is now in Japanese. 


Using your browser language settings

If there is no locale defined in the URL you use to access AODocs, the language of your browser is used. If you have several languages listed in your browser, AODocs uses the language at the top of the list.


– Any elements that you customized in AODocs, such as names of libraries, properties or workflows, remain in the language you used to define them.
– You can configure how properties and the time are displayed in workflow emails.
– If you access AODocs via a bookmark, the pages concerned will be displayed in the language that was active when you saved the bookmarks. If required, you can change the language directly in AODocs URLs.

Change the language the AODocs Smartbar

The AODocs Smartbar is displayed in the language defined for your Google Account. 

To change the language of your Google Account: 

1. Go to

Your list of preferred languages is displayed.

2. If the required language isn't displayed in the list, click Add another language, select the required language and click Save. The language you selected is added to the bottom of your list of preferred languages. 


3. Move the required language to the top of the list using the up arrow button.

The AODocs Smarbar is now displayed in the selected language. 

Change the language of Google Drive

Google Drive is displayed in the language defined for your Google Account. 

Learn more:  Change the language the AODocs Smartbar.

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