Share documents and folders in Secured Folders

A Secured Folder is the type of library in AODocs which gives you the greatest control over file permissions while still being able to access files from the Google Drive interface.

This article explains how to share a folder or a document in Secured Folders. The configuration and sharing methods are more complex than in Team Folders but provide greater control.

Important: Files and folders in Secured Folders can't be shared directly from Google Drive. When you try to share a file in a Secured Folder using the Google Drive share icon, you can only request access to the file, even if you have the right to share it in AODocs. Use the AODocs interface to share files and folders in Secured Folders.

This article explains how to:

Automatically generated table of contents

Note: Library administrators can configure who can share documents and folders:
– contributors and library administrators
– library administrators only
– nobody
Learn more: Define the permissions modePrevent users from changing document permissions.

Share a folder

Important: Ensure that the user or group you want to share the folder with has been added to the library root folder security settings. Only library administrators can access the library root folder settings. Learn more: Configure security settings in Secured Folders from Google Drive.

1. In AODocs, open a view

2. Select the folder in the view and click Edit document or folder permissions.


A dialog opens displaying the permissions for the folder you selected.

Note: By default, all the folders inherit the permissions of the library. If the permissions are changed on a folder, the change is applied on all its subfolders and documents.

3. To apply specific permissions on the folder, click Change and select This folder's permissions are defined below.


This breaks the permissions inheritance of the library for this particular folder. The permissions are reset and only the library administrators are listed.

Tip: To hide a folder in a Secured Folder from all users in the library except the administrators, select This folder's permissions are defined below and save without adding any users.

4. You can then modify the sharing permissions as required:

  • add the user or group you want to share this specific folder with, then click Add
  • define the permissions available at the folder level for each user or group you added: Can view or Can Edit

5. Click Save.


Note: Applying these permissions to the folder and all the documents it contains may take some time because it triggers a permission change for every document and subfolder in this folder.

Tip: You can delegate the permissions by Google Groups.

Share a document

Important: Ensure that the user or group you want to share the document with has been added to the library root folder security settings. Only library administrators can access the library root folder security settings. Learn more: Configure security settings in Secured Folders from Google Drive.

Note: If you don't want to share the whole library with a user, see how to set additional Google Drive permissions in a document.

1. In a Secured Folder, either:

  • open a document and select Edit document permissions in the More actions menu


  • select a document in a view and click the Document permissions action button


A dialog opens displaying the permissions for the document you selected.

Note: By default, the permissions of all the documents in a Secured Folder are inherited from the library and can be customized on a per-document basis.

2. To apply specific permissions on the document, click Change and select This document's permissions are defined below.


This breaks the permissions inheritance of the library for this particular document. The permissions are reset and only the library administrators are listed.

Tip: To hide a folder in a Secured Folder from all users in the library except the administrators, select This document's permissions are defined below and save without adding any users.

3. You can then modify the sharing permissions as required:

  • add the user or group you want to share this specific document with, then click Add
  • define the permissions in this document for each user or group you added: 
    • Can edit
    • Can comment
    • Can view


4. Click Save.

Tip: You can delegate the permission management using Google Groups.

Set additional Google Drive permissions on attachments

In Secured Folders, you can set additional Google Drive permissions. These permissions aren’t managed by AODocs. They’re managed by Google Drive.

– Only the attachment is shared using the additional Google Drive permissions. Additional users can't access the document from the AODocs interface or use the Smartbar features on the attachment.
– You can add any Google Account to the additional Google Drive permissions. By accessing the attachment, the user consumes an AODocs license.
– You can also add non-Google accounts. To request access to the EAP, contact your sales representative or send an email to: Learn more: Share documents with visitors.
– Additional users don't have to be declared in the allowlists.

1. In a Secured Folder, either:

  • open a document and select Edit attachment permissions (Drive) in the More actions menu


  • select a document in a view and click the Attachment permissions (Drive) action button 


2. You can change the Global visibility option.

These options can be combined with additional users or groups (see below):

  • Public on the web
  • Anyone with the link
  • People at your domain
  • People at your domain with the link
  • Individual users or groups: no default additional Google Drive permissions are applied – only the users and groups you add will have access to the attachment

3. If you defined a global visibility setting other than Individual users or groups, select the permission level:

  • Can view attachment
  • Can comment in attachment
  • Can edit attachment


4. You can add users or Google groups.

– These users and groups are defined in addition to the global visibility option.
– Icons in the Outside your domain column indicate if users are outside your domain and if they are non-Google users.

5. Select the permission level for each user or group:

  • Can view attachment
  • Can comment in attachment
  • Can edit attachment

6. Save the modification.

7. Share the Google Drive URL with the additional users.

Additional Drive permissions on attachments dialog

Sharing an attachment with additional Google Drive permissions doesn't share the AODocs document, folder structure or the library. The file is available in Google Drive under Shared with me.

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  • Hi,

    How can I "Set additional Google Drive permissions in a document" to multiple files at once? and how can I make this setting the default for my library or any new document created?

    Thank you,

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  • How to get to the sharing settings and get the link to provide???

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  • Hello Donia,
    To get the sharing settings of your Secured Folder (the last screenshot in the article), open the Secured folder in Drive from your AODocs home page:
    Then (from the drive interface) click on the sharing button:, you should be able to retrieve the link of the file to provide.
    Hope it helps.

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  • Hi!
    How do I give external people access to a secured folder if they don't have a Google Account?

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  • Hi Jeremy,
    Sorry for the delay. They need to have a Google account, they can follow this procedure to get one easily:
    Accessing AODocs without a G Suite or Gmail account

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  • Currently, it is only possible to update the "additional Google Drive permissions" on a single document at a time. Don't hesitate to post in our Feature Request Community if you would like to see this feature in AODocs:

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  • Hi, How to give permission to print but not to download? I want to share procedures to production to print but I don't want production to download them or do a copy and edit the copy.

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  • Hi Carlos, for the moment, the two options cannot be separated: it is not possible to allow printing but to prevent downloading.

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