Prevent users from deleting documents and folders

As an administrator of a Secured Folder or a Document Management library, you can prevent users from deleting documents and folders in a document class. 

1. Access the library administration.

2. Select Document classes.

3. Click the name of the document class you want to configure or select Configure document class in the More actions menu. The document class configuration page opens.

4. Select the Security tab. 

5. Select the checkbox Only administrators can delete documents.

Note: By default, the checkbox is not selected: all contributors can delete documents and folders in the document class.


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  • In this situation, the editors of the document class will still have the possibility to add or remove attachment from the documents. So the contributors will not be blocked from removing the attachment from the document, this is what I understand when you say attachment deletion. Keep in mind that the attachments removed, athough not visible anymore, are still owned by the storage account and can be retrieved.

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  • If you have a document class inside of a Document Management library and you set so administrations can only delete documents, would attachments inside of that document be locked from deletion?

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