All libraries have a homepage. As a library administrator, you can customize your library homepage to help users better understand the purpose of the library.
To customize your library homepage, you can:
Automatically generated table of contents
Change the library name and add a library logo
Change the library name
1. Access the library administration.
2. Select General settings.
3. To change the name of the library, edit the Title field.
4. Click Save.
Add a library logo
1. To add a logo for the library, under Logo image, you can:
- enter a URL
- upload a file from your computer
- drag and drop a file into the Drop files here field
2. Click Save.
Note: To configure other general settings in your library, see: Configure your library's general settings.
Customize the library description
Note: When you create a new library from scratch, the library description is empty and hidden from end users until you customize it.
1. On the library homepage, access the Home tab.
2. Click the Edit description button.
3. In edit mode, you can update the library description with:
- text
- images
- hyperlinks
- embedded external content with iframes
Tips: To start from well-designed examples, you can create a library from a template.
4. Click Save after making your changes.
The changes are visible on the library homepage.