Use the API to set up the Cherry Picker

This article is for developers with a full understanding of how to work with our API. 

Important note about the API explorer
When you follow the link we provide to the API explorer, you'll see a red warning.
The API itself is not deprecated. It's the Google API explorer that is deprecated. All the processes described in our API articles function correctly and safely if you use this Google API explorer. 

The Cherry Picker lets you select attachments from one or more documents and copy them either to an existing document or to a new document. Learn more about the end user experience with the Cherry Picker.

By default the Cherry Picker isn't active. A custom configuration flag is available for super administrators to activate the Cherry Picker at the domain level and for library administrators to activate the Cherry Picker in individual libraries. When activated, the feature is available in all the views in the library.

– You can configure this custom configuration by API only. It isn't available in the administration interface.
– You can configure the custom configuration only in Document Management libraries using Google Drive. It isn't available in Secured Folders, Team Folders, or Document Management libraries using non-Google storage platforms.
– Custom configurations at the library level take precedence over those set at the domain level. For example, if you set the flag as TRUE at the domain level and FALSE for one library, all the libraries on the domain will have the Cherry Picker available except the one in which the flag is defined asFALSE.

Learn more: Use the API to check which configuration flags are set on your domain or in a specific library.

This article explains how to:

Automatically generated table of contents

Set the custom configuration flag at the domain level

1. As an AODocs super administrator, follow one of these links to the AODocs API:

  • US instance:

  • EU instance:

Note: Dedicated instances have their own URLs. Learn more: What are AODocs instances?

2. Enter the flag name attachmentCherryPickerEnabled.

3. Enter your domain name.

4. In the Request body field, enter TRUE next to configurationFlagValue.

5. Click Authorize and execute. The response is displayed in the lower part of the screen.

The Cherry Picker button is now available in all the Document Management libraries using Google Drive on your domain. 


Set the custom configuration flag at the library level

1. As a library administrator, follow one of these links to the AODocs API:

  • US instance: 

  • EU instance:

Note: Dedicated instances have their own URLs. Learn more: What are AODocs instances?

2. Enter the ID of the library in which you want to activate the custom configuration. Learn how to identify library IDs.

3. Enter the flag name attachmentCherryPickerEnabled.

4. In the Request body field, enter TRUE next to configurationFlagValue.

5. Click Authorize and execute. The response is displayed in the lower part of the screen.

The Cherry Picker button is now available in all the views in your library. Learn more: Use the Cherry Picker to select attachments from several documents and copy them to another document.


Note: If you use the Cherry Picker to create new documents in an existing class with a default template, the new documents will contain all the attributes of the template, including any attachments. Learn more: Create and configure document templates.

Tip: You can create a document class for the new documents you create with the Cherry Picker. 

Restrict the document classes available in the Cherry Picker

By default, all the document classes in the library in which the user has permissions to edit or create documents are available in the Cherry Picker. You may want to restrict the document classes available for selection in the Cherry Picker. For example, you may want to force users to use a specific document class for documents created with the Cherry Picker. 

1. Follow one of these links to the AODocs API:

  • US instance: 

  • EU instance:

Note: Dedicated instances have their own URLs. Learn more: What are AODocs instances?

2. Enter your library ID. Learn how to identify library IDs.

3. In the documentTypeId field, enter the ID of the document class you want to make available in the Cherry Picker. Learn how to identify document class IDs.

4. Click in the Patch body field, then click the arrow in the top right corner and select Freeform editor.


5. Copy this text and paste it into the Patch body field:

{ "appMetadata": { "AttachmentPicker": { } } }

Important: Overwrite the existing curly brackets.

6. Click Authorize and execute. The response is displayed in the lower part of the screen.

Note: If you run this API call once, the document class you selected will be the only one available. You can run it again for other document classes, to display as many document classes as you like. 

Remove the restriction on document classes available in the Cherry Picker

The API call is exactly the same as described above, but in step 5 copy this text and paste it into the Patch body field: 

{ "appMetadata": { "AttachmentPicker": null } }

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