Getting started
What is AODocs?
- Welcome to AODocs!
- What are the differences between the various storage platforms for AODocs?
- Video: AODocs key principles and terminology
- AODocs overview: AODocs Document Management features
- AODocs overview: choose an AODocs library
- AODocs security and compliance
How to install AODocs?
- What are AODocs instances?
- Install AODocs
- System and browser requirements
- Enable Google Workspace APIs in your domain
- Grant data access on your Google domain
- AODocs is installed, what's next?
Your first steps with AODocs
- Sign in to AODocs
- Create your first Team Folder in Google Drive
- Next steps with your first Team Folder
- Create your first Secured Folder
- Next steps with your first Secured Folder
- Create your first Document Management library