What are the differences between the various storage platforms for AODocs?

If you’re a Google Workspace customer with an active AODocs Content Services subscription, you can choose one of the following storage platforms to store the attachments in your Document Management libraries:

This article explains the differences between these options.

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Adding files to AODocs

In libraries using Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage, Google users and Microsoft users can upload local attachments to AODocs documents.

The screenshot below shows a document in a library using Google Cloud Storage.


In libraries using Google Drive, there are additional options related to Google Drive. In addition to being able to upload local files, Google users can:

  • import files from Google Drive
  • upload local files and convert them to the corresponding Google format (for example, convert a Microsoft Word file to a Google document)
  • create Google files as attachments

The screenshot below shows a document in a library using Google Drive.


Data localization options

For Google Cloud Storage, if your content is stored:

  • in AODocs' own cloud file storage, the content is located in Google data centers located in the European Union and in the United States (US central Iowa, composed of four zones)
  • in your own cloud file storage, the physical location is defined by your choice of data center for the cloud file storage buckets

For Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, the physical location of your content is defined by your choice of data center for your Azure containers. Learn more about data residency in Azure.

For Google Drive storage, Google Workspace administrators can decide to set a specific region for the AODocs storage account data. Learn more about Google Workspace data location options.

Recommended limits

Libraries configured within these limits are guaranteed to work with acceptable performance. You can exceed these limits, but this may result in performance issues or errors.

  • 1,000,000 documents without attachments or with attachments stored in GCS or Azure Blob Storage (in Document Management libraries)
  • 100,000 attachments (one per document in Team Folders and Secured Folders; zero, one or more per document in Document Management Libraries) for Google Drive libraries

Learn more about the recommended limits in AODocs for Google Drive storage.

Current limitations for libraries using Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage

Below is a list of the main constraints that currently apply to libraries using Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage.

In libraries using Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage, users:

Migrate for AODocs doesn't yet support migrations from Azure Blob Storage. 

We’re working on lifting these limitations and enhancing your experience with AODocs. We’re interested in your feedback and we’d love to discuss your needs!

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