Configure security settings in Secured Folders in the Google Drive interface

As a library administrator with the legacy AODocs Smartbar installed, you can access your Secured Folder settings directly from Google Drive.

Note: You can also configure Secured Folder security settings in AODocs.

Important: If you're using the new Smartbar, you must define these settings in the AODocs interface.

As a library administrator with the new AODocs Smartbar installed, you can access some Secured Folder security settings in AODocs from Google Drive. Click the AODocs icon next to the breadcrumb. In the drop-down menu:
– click Library security to open the Roles page in the library administration
– click Library administration to open the General settings in the library administration
– click Library trash to open the Deleted documents page in the library administration


As a library administrator with the legacy Smartbar installed you can:

Automatically generated table of contents

Access the Secured Folder security center

1. Access a Secured Folder as a library administrator.

2. Click the gear button and select Security center.



In the General tab, you can:

  • rename the Secured Folder’s root folder

Note: Don't use the Rename button in Google Drive to rename your Secured Foder, as AODoc doesn't recognize it.



In the Security tab you can prevent users from:

Note: In Secured Folders, administrators can prevent users from deleting, renaming or creating files and folders at the root folder level. This option is available in the AODocs interface. Learn more: Configure security settings in Secured Folders from AODocs.



In the Permissions tab, you can configure who has access to the Secured Folder.

You can:

  • define the permissions mode
  • manage your root folder permissions
  • add new users or groups to the Secured Folder
  • edit permissions for existing users

Learn more: Configure security settings in Secured Folders from AODocs.



In the Properties tab, you can add, edit or remove AODocs properties from a document class directly from Google Drive. Learn more: Configure custom properties from Google Drive.


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