Find out about the new features in Migrate for AODocs V13.
Get notified when a new Gateway version is available
When you connect Gateway, if there is a new version available, you can now see a message indicating that you can download it. That way you won’t miss the new features and bug fixes.
See and access the target library of your advanced migrations
When you open the side panel giving you more information on an advanced migration, you can now see the names of the target library, document class and template next to their ID.
To make navigation easier, click the library name to open the library homepage in a new tab.
Note: To see the clickable names, you need to have at least read access to the library. Otherwise, you only see the IDs.
Add a name to your quick migrations
When you create a new quick migration, you can now give it a name at the top of the form.
The name is displayed in the panel listing your quick migrations.
Add defaults values to your migrated properties
In the binding sheet of your migration spreadsheet, you now have a Default value column.
If you enter a default value for a property, and a document has no value defined in the data tab, the document’s property will take the default value.