Outlook add-in: Attach files from AODocs to draft emails

The Outlook add-in lets you save emails and their attachments to AODocs Document Management libraries using Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob storage. You can also use the Outlook add-in to pick attachments from AODocs and add them to a draft email.

Learn more: Where is my content stored?

This article describes how to attach files from AODocs directly in a draft email.

1. Create a draft email.

2. Open the Outlook add-in. Depending on whether you're using the Outlook desktop app or web app and whether you're on Windows or Mac, there are various ways of doing this:

  • Click the AODocs button in the action bar.
  • Open the More actions menu in the email, then select AODocs.


3. In the Outlook add-in panel, select a library. Only libraries in which you are contributor are listed.

Tip: Use the search bar to search for your library if the list of libraries is long.


4. Select a document. If required, select a view first.

– Use the search bar to search for your document if the list of documents is long.
– Click the Open in new tab button to open a document in the AODocs interface.


5. Select which attachments you want to add to your email. A message appears when an attachment is added. 

6. Click the cross in the top right of the panel to close the Outlook Add-in. 

You can now send your email with the attached file. 


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