AODocs mobile app 4.0 Release notes

Dear AODocs user,

We’re pleased to announce the new version of the AODocs mobile app. We really hope you enjoy it!

With this version, you can now add attachments and comments in AODocs documents!

Attach images to DMS documents

You’re out in the field conducting an audit and want to illustrate a faulty installation or damaged material? With the new version of the app, just take a photo or press the Attach button to illustrate what you're observing on site! 


You can also browse your photo library and attach any image already stored on your device.

Manage comments

With the AODocs mobile app 3.0, we introduced a screen displaying the comments history for documents. With this new version you can now post new comments. If you're an administrator, you can delete comments posted manually by other users.


Note: To use the “attach” feature, you have to give AODocs permission to access your Google Drive.
– On Android, the permission is requested the first time you try to upload or take a new picture to attach.
– On iOS, you're automatically logged out after the update to AODocs mobile app 4.0, and the Drive permissions are requested before you can re-open the app.
Learn more:  AODocs mobile: Authorizations and permissions

Have a new feature idea or request for the AODocs mobile app? Continue to share your ideas in our community or tell us how you use AODocs and what you’re expecting for the mobile app by filling in this short form!


The AODocs Team

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