Folio lets users create and manage pre-configured libraries. When a user creates a document in a specially configured AODocs Folio library, a new pre-configured library is created.
This article is aimed at AODocs super administrators and library creators. It describes how to set up Folio on your domain.
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What you need to send us to get started
If you want to use Folio, contact our Service team. We'll help you get started.
You need to send us the following information:
- your domain name
- the email address of your technical account
- the email address of your Folio group
- the required subscription limits for your AODocs storage accounts – AODocs storage accounts with subscriptions above this limit won't be picked when users create libraries from the Folio library. Learn more:
Set up the required accounts on your domain
As an AODocs super administrator, you must create and set up these accounts on your domain.
Technical account
The technical account is a standard Google Workspace or Microsoft account but is not designed to be used by a real person. All operations triggered by Folio, such as creating libraries, are performed using the technical account in the background.
As an AODocs super administrator on your domain:
1. Create the technical account on your domain.
2. Assign the technical account the library creator role. Learn more: Manage library creators.
3. Send the email address of the technical account to the AODocs Service team. The service team will send you a secret key so you can sign in using your technical account.
Signing in stores the credentials of the technical account so the Folio app can run processes in the background using the technical account.
Note: This is the only time a real person needs to use the technical account.
– You must manually configure the technical account to be library administrator of all Folio libraries and all template libraries, including any additional libraries you create after the initial setup phase. Learn more: Set up libraries on your domain.
– The technical account automatically becomes library administrator of libraries created from Folio libraries. Don't remove the technical account as library administrator from these libraries.
4. Sign in to the Folio app using the technical account using one of these dedicated URLs:
- (for the European instance)
- (for the US instance)
Learn more about instances:
5. Enter your domain and the secret key the Service team sent you, then click the sign in button.
6. Follow the sign in process.
Confirmation appears indicating that your credentials have been stored correctly.
Folio Google group or Microsoft group
This group of users on your domain has access to the Folio app in order to create Folio configurations.
As an AODocs super administrator on your domain:
1. Create a Google group or Microsoft group.
– You can use any type of Microsoft group that's compatible with AODocs.
– We refer to this group as the Folio group, but you can give it any name you like.
2. Send the name of the Google group or Microsoft group (or, if you're using a Microsoft security group, its ID) to the AODocs Service team. The AODocs Service team gives the group the right to access the Folio app. Users who aren't in the group can't access the Folio app.
– You can add and remove people in the group without informing the AODocs Service team.
– Users who create Folio configurations must be library administrators in the Folio libraries and template libraries that use their Folio configurations. In these libraries you must therefore assign either individual members of the Folio group or the entire Folio group the role of library administrator. Learn more: Set up the required accounts on your domain.
Folio service account: AODocs service team
Service accounts aren't used by a real person. We use a service account to perform specific actions. For example, it gets the current subscription count of the configured AODocs storage accounts and chooses the one with the least counts.
Learn more about service accounts in the Google Help Center: Service Accounts.
1. The AODocs service team sends you the email address of the service account.
2. Add the service account to the list of allowlisted users on your domain – learn more: Add external entities to the allowlist.
3. Assign the service account the role of AODocs super administrator – learn more: Manage AODocs super administrators.
4. If you want to use your Folio library to create libraries using Google Cloud Storage, add the service account (as Storage Admin role) to the bucket that you intend to use for storage.
Set up libraries on your domain
As a user with the library creator role on your domain, create the following libraries.
Folio libraries: general
Create one or more AODocs Document Management libraries to serve as Folio libraries. These are the libraries that users will use to create and manage other AODocs libraries by creating and editing documents.
For every Folio library on your domain:
1. Create two document classes:
- one to link to your Folio configuration – name this document class as you like
- one called "Snapshot" (optional) which lets you create an exact duplicate of the documents in your Folio library that are used to create libraries
Learn more: Create and configure document classes.
Note: Each Folio library can have only one Folio configuration, so you should only have one document class in addition to the "Snapshot" document class.
2. Create a category with:
- as values, the names of all the template libraries you want to make available for selection in this Folio library
- as short names, the IDs of these template libraries – you can recover the library ID from the Folio template configuration
Note: We recommend using the names you gave to the template configurations in the Folio app.
Learn more: Create categories.
3. Define all these properties in the other document class that you named yourself:
- a mandatory String property named "Library Name"
- an optional URL property named "Library Link"
- an optional hidden String property named "Migration ID"
- an optional hidden String property named "Library ID"
- a mandatory Category property named "Library Template", based on the corresponding category created in step 2 – learn more about categories
Tip: In most use cases, the title of the document used to create a library and the "Library Name" field are the same. You can use conditional logic to generate the title automatically with the value entered by in the "Library Name field". Learn more: Configure conditional logic to calculate document titles.
Important: These properties are case sensitive. Make sure you name them exactly as indicated.
4. If required, you can create one of the following properties, depending on the storage type you are using:
- an optional Person property named "migration_storage_account" – users can define an AODocs storage account so the library (using Google Drive) created by your Folio library will use a different AODocs storage account from the one defined in the Folio storage configuration
- an optional String property named "migration_bucket" – users can define a bucket so the library (using Google Cloud Storage) created by your Folio library will use a different bucket from the one defined in the Folio storage configuration
- an optional String property named "migration_azure_container" – users can define a container so the library (using Microsoft Blob Storage) created by your Folio library will use a different container from the one defined in the Folio storage configuration
Learn more:
5. If required, you can create:
- an optional String property named "Library Description": the value entered by the user will be the description of the the new library – learn more Customize the library description
- a Category and corresponding optional Category property called "Library Labels" with the following characteristics:
- the Category values must be exactly the same as your existing library labels
- nested values take this format: Country/town, for example USA/New York
- the Category property can be dynamic, but if users create a new value, the corresponding library label must already exist
The values selected by the user will become labels in the new library – learn more: Manage your library labels.
Learn more: Create a library with Folio.
6. If you're using a "Snapshot" document class, define these properties in the "Snapshot" document class:
- an optional read-only Person property named "Requester"
- an optional URL property named "Link to Snapshot Library"
- an optional Person property named "Access"
- an optional Date property named "Request Date"
7. Assign the technical account the role of library administrator.
8. Assign the required users in the Folio group the role of library administrator.
In the Folio app, these users will be able to create Folio configurations referencing this library. Learn more: Create Folio configurations.
9. Configure the custom scripts.
10. If you're using a "Snapshot" document class, create a role named "Snapshot Users". Learn more: Create and configure custom roles. Add users who are authorized to create a snapshot of the of the documents in your Folio library.
11. If you're using a "Snapshot" document class, create a workflow for the "Snapshot" document class. Create the following workflow states:
- "Snapshot document created" which transitions to the next state if document property "Requester" is not empty.
- "Waiting for snapshot library to be created" which transitions to the next state if document property "Requester" is not empty
- "Snapshot created" which transitions to the next state if "Deleted" by any single member of Snapshot Users
- "Snapshot deleted"
Learn more:
12. Create a workflow for the other document class. Learn more: Folio libraries: workflows.
13. If you're using a "Snapshot" document class, create a relation between the two document classes in your library. In the example below, we created a relation between the "SOP" and "Snapshot" document classes.
Learn more: Configure relations.
Folio libraries: workflows
You must create a workflow for the document class in your Folio library.
When you create your Folio configuration you must choose to use one of the following:
Update Action custom script
In this case, the actions performed in the document are used to manage the lifecycle of the library. Creating a document in the Folio library triggers the creation of a library; deleting the document deletes the library. The workflow is used to control access to the library. For example, if a library is created for the duration of a project that is due to close on a specific date, you can create a workflow state "Project closed" and restrict access to read-only in this state. You can transition the document used to create the library to "Project closed" manually or automatically on the required date. Users will no longer have edit access to the library. -
Workflow Transition Action custom script
In this case, the workflow actions are used to manage the lifecycle of the library. Creating or deleting a document in the Folio library doesn't trigger the creation or deletion of a library. Instead, workflow actions are used to create, manage and delete the library.
In the example below, we added a workflow transition custom action on the "Library created" state. When the document enters this state, a library is created because the Action
parameter has the value CREATE
Important: Don't set a custom action to run when the document enters the first state. When the user creates their document it should remain in the initial state until a workflow action is performed.
You can add workflow transition custom actions with the following values for the Action
to create the library
to update the library after changing the permissions
to set the library to ready only
to return to the default permissions of the library
to delete the library
Template libraries
Create AODocs libraries of any type to serve as template libraries. You can create as many template libraries as required and tailor them to your specific business needs. Each template library is listed in a category in a Folio library.
When users create a new library by creating a document in a Folio library, they select which template library to use. Everything in the template library is copied to the new library.
For each template library:
1. Configure the library and create the required content, for example: files and folders, permissions, document classes, workflows, properties, and so on.
2. Assign the technical account the role of library administrator.
3. Assign the required users in the Folio group the role of library administrator.
In the Folio app, these users will be ale to create template configurations referencing this template library. Learn more: Create a template configuration.
Access Folio
1. Follow one of these links:
- (for the European instance)
- (for the US instance)
Important: Your Folio instance must correspond to your AODocs instance. Find out which AODocs instance you're using (European or US) and select your Folio instance accordingly.
3. Enter the name of your domain.
4. Click Sign in with Microsoft or Sign in with Google and then follow the sign in procedure.
The Folio homepage opens, showing all the Folio configurations on your domain.