Bulk Updater: The spreadsheet

Bulk Updater is a web application that lets you update in bulk the properties (also called metadata) of your AODocs documents. All users can use the export feature in Bulk Updater; only library administrators and super administrators can use the update feature.

After configuring and running your export, you can access the Bulk Updater spreadsheet.

Important: Each cell in the spreadsheet musn't contain more than 50,000 characters. 

In the spreadsheet:

  • each row represents an AODocs document
  • when you export a whole class, some system properties (for example, creation date and document creator) are hidden
  • white columns hold the values of custom properties, system properties, including workflow states, that you can modify if you exported in update mode
  • light gray columns contain read-only properties that you can modify if you exported in update mode
  • dark gray columns are non-modifiable and contain AODocs system properties
  • if you imported relations:
    • each relation is displayed in a separate column to the right of the properties; the columns take the name of the “To” or “From” side of your relation depending on which document class you exported from – learn more: Configure relations
    • the cells contain the IDs of the related documents, separated by a pipe | symbol if there's more than one

If you exported in update mode, you can modify the relations.

  • if you exported as Awesome Table, your spreadsheet contains:
    • an extra row (second row) for Awesome Table filters and keywords, which is retained if you refresh your spreadsheet
    • columns AODocs URL and Attachment URL, with links to your documents and attachments
  • if you ran your export in update mode, there are four extra columns that are are reserved for Bulk Updater:
    • columns id and hash appear after the columns showing your custom properties
    • columns Status and Reason are used to give feedback after the update

If you ran your export in update mode, you can edit the spreadsheet


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