Bulk Updater: Refresh the data in your exported spreadsheet

Bulk Updater is a web application that lets you update in bulk the properties (also called metadata) of your AODocs documents. All users can use the export feature in Bulk Updater; only library administrators and super administrators can use the update feature.

When you have configured and run your export, you may need to refresh the data in your exported spreadsheet to take account of any changes to your AODocs library since you ran the export.

Important: When you refresh the data in your exported spreadsheet, any local modifications you made to the properties to your spreadsheet are overwritten.

This article explains how to:

Automatically generated table of contents

Refresh your export manually

1. Select the Recent tab.

2. Click the Refresh data button next to the export you want to refresh.

A dialog appears indicating that your request has been taken into account.

3. Click the Open in new tab button in the Spreadsheet column to open your updated spreadsheet.


Schedule an auto-refresh for your export

1. Select the Auto-refresh tab.

2. Select the required export from the drop-down menu in the Export field.

3. Select a frequency:

  • Every hour 
  • Every 4 hours
  • Every day – also set a time
  • Once a week  – also set a day of the week and a time
  • Once a month – also set a day of the month and a time

4. Click Schedule.

If you haven't yet defined an auto-refresh for this export, the export is added to the list of exports with a scheduled auto-refresh.

If you have already defined an auto-refresh for this export, it is updated in the list.

Tip: You can edit or delete a scheduled auto-refresh using the contextual menu.


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  • With manually triggered exports, you can specify a view. How would you do this (if you can?) with auto refresh?

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  • Hi Hamish,

    Thank you for your comment.

    The manual refresh is exactly the same as the auto-refresh and isn’t related to a specified view.
    The view is defined when you create the export. The refresh (auto or manual) performs a new export with the exact same context as the original one. Does that help? If not, please can you specify what you would like to do?

    Best regards,
    Bulk Updater team

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  • Hello I have created a new export, with the ability to update. However I cannot seem to configure the auto refresh. It is not available in the Export list provided in the configure section of the Auto refresh.

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  • Hi Alexander,

    I confirm only the exports have the "auto-refresh" capability. The updates are refreshable manually but aren't auto-refreshed, mainly to prevent any loss of data when you are working on updating the content and an auto refresh occurring at the same time that could replace the content you are working on.
    Best regards,
    Bulk updater team

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  • Hi, how can another user manually update my export? if this is not possible can he/she login with my user name and password to do this manual update? Thanks is advance.

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  • Hi Emrah,
    Thanks for your query. For tracking and security purposes, only the user who performs the extraction can see and perform the update. Usernames and passwords should never been shared between users.
    Hope that helps

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