Administrators: Set up and manage Migrate for AODocs

Migrate for AODocs is a tool that allows you to migrate files and folders into your AODocs libraries.

Migrate for AODocs administrators and Google Workspace admins need to set up Migrate for AODocs before users on your domain can access and use it.

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Authorize uploader accounts on your domain

Before you use Migrate for AODocs, your Google Workspace admin must create one or more standard Google Accounts which serve as uploader accounts. Learn more: Basic definitions: uploader accounts

To avoid having to grant permissions for each uploader account, your Google Workspace admin can install the Migrate for AODocs - Uploader management application, which automatically authorizes all uploader accounts on your domain. This applies to uploader accounts already created and any you create in the future.  

1. As a Google Workspace admin, access the domain-wide Migrate for AODocs - Uploader management application on the Google Workspace Marketplace. 

2. Click Domain install.

3. Click Continue in the Domain-wide install dialog.


4. Select a domain or Organization Unit.

Tip: You can activate the Migrate for AODocs - Uploader management app for a dedicated Organization Unit containing only the uploader accounts. This means that the app won’t have access to any accounts except uploader accounts.

5. Select the checkbox to agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

6. Click Allow to grant the required permissions


7. Close the confirmation dialog.

All uploader accounts on your domain are now automatically authorized. You don't need to explicitly grant permissions for each one.


Access the administration page

Only administrators can access the administration page. Users don't see this option in the interface.

Learn more:

To open the administration page, select Administration in the drop-down menu.


Manage administrators

Add administrators

1. On the administration page, select Administrators in the left panel.

2. Click the Add button.

3. Enter an email address of the administrator you want to create. 

4. Click OK to confirm. The new administrator appears in the list.


Remove administrators

1. On the administration page, select Administrators in the left panel.

2. Click the trash icon next to the administrator you want to delete.

3. Click OK to confirm. 

Manage your Migrate for AODocs workspaces

A Migrate for AODocs administrator must create at least one Migrate for AODocs workspace before administrators or users can run migrations.

Learn more:

Create Migrate for AODocs workspaces

1. On the administration page, select Workspaces in the left panel.

2. Click the Add button.

3. Enter a name for your workspace. 

4. Click OK to confirm. The new workspace appears in the list. 

Note: When you create a workspace, by default its expiration date is two months after the current date. If required, you can change the expiration date.


Change the expiration dates of Migrate for AODocs workspaces

1. On the administration page, select Workspaces in the left panel.

2. Click the edit button next to the expiration date of one of your workspaces.

3. Select one of the following:

  • Add 1 month – the expiration date is extended by a month
  • Add 3 months – the expiration date is extended by three months
  • Expire today - the expiration date expires at midnight on the current date
  • Custom date – add a date and click Apply


Delete Migrate for AODocs workspaces

1. On the administration page, select Workspaces in the left panel.

2. Click the trash icon next to the workspace you want to delete.

3. Click OK to confirm. 

Note:  If you delete a migration group, you can no longer access its individual migrations. However,  the individual migrations in workspaces are never deleted, so if you recreate a workspace with the same name, you'll be able to access its migrations again. 

Manage your uploader accounts

Learn more: Basic definitions: uploader accounts.

Add uploader accounts

Note: The Google Workspace admin in your domain must create one or more standard Google Accounts which serve as technical accounts (uploader accounts) to run your migrations. 

1. On the administration page, select Uploaders in the left panel.

2. Click the Add uploaders button.

3. Enter an email address of an uploader account that your Google Workspace admin has created on your domain. 


4. If required, grant the required permission. The new uploader account appears in the list.

Assign uploader accounts to Migrate for AODocs workspaces

In the Uploaders tab, select the required checkboxes to assign each uploader account to the required workspaces.

Remove uploader accounts

1. On the administration page, select Uploaders in the left panel.

2. Click the trash icon next to the uploader account you want to delete.

3. Click OK to confirm. 

Note: This removes the uploader account from Migrate for AODocs, but the uploader account still exists. Your Google Workspace admin can delete uploader accounts.

Manage migration accounts (users)

Add migration accounts

1. On the administration page, select Users in the left panel.

2. Click the Add users button.

3. Enter an email address of a migration account that your Google Workspace admin has created on your domain. 


Assign migration accounts to Migrate for AODocs workspaces

In the Users tab, select the required checkboxes to assign each migration account to the required workspaces.

Remove migration accounts

1. On the administration page, select Users in the left panel.

2. Click the trash icon next to the migration account you want to delete.

3. Click OK to confirm. 

Note: This removes the migration account from Migrate for AODocs, but the migration account still exists. Your Google Workspace admin can delete migration accounts.

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