Manage your running and completed migrations

Migrate for AODocs is a tool that allows you to migrate files and folders into your AODocs libraries. 

Automatically generated table of contents

Display your migrations in progress

The Running tab shows all migrations that are in progress in the current workspace. Click the name of the current workspace in the top left corner to switch to a different workspace. Learn more: Basic definitions: workspaces

Tip: Select the option "-" to view your quick migrations.


Each card on the Running tab corresponds to a migration. You can monitor the progress of your migrations through the different migration phases. Learn more: What is Migrate for AODocs?

– If you didn't select the Edit sheet before import checkbox in your configuration, your migration proceeds directly through all phases without user validation. Learn more: Common options for all migration types and Run your migration.
– If an error occurs, the migration can't progress through the remaining phases until you correct the error. Learn more: Manage errors.
– When a migration is completed it moves to the Finished tab. Learn more: View your completed migrations.


The status indicator on the bottom right of the cards has the following meanings:

icon_running.png Migration is running
icon_paused.png Migration is paused and waiting for user action to send the migration to the next phase
icon_waiting.png Migration is pending and waiting for Gateway or user action
(for example, if you run a file server migration and Gateway stops before the extraction phase is complete; you need to rerun Gateway). 
icon_error.png An error has occurred – learn more: Manage errors

View details of your migrations and perform actions

1. Click a migration card. If you're in the list of quick migrations, click a migration (learn more about quick mode).

The right side panel opens, with the tabs: 

  • Status: displays the current status, the number of documents being migrated (or already migrated), the timestamp of the last update and details of the source files
  • Activity: displays a history of the activity on your migration since it was created; for completed migrations, it displays the migration report

2. You can:

  • run an action (if available for your migration)
  • duplicate your migration (advanced migrations only)
  • remove your migration card from the Running tab
  • manage errors
  • access the migration spreadsheet

If you have read access to the library, you can:

  • click the domain name to access the AODocs homepage in a new tab
  • click the library name to open the library homepage in a new tab

Users who don't have read access just see the IDs.

Note: You can’t make any changes to the migration settings once your migration has started.


Display your completed migrations 

Select the Finished tab. Your list of completed migrations is displayed. 

– Click the spreadsheet icon on the left to access the migration spreadsheet.
– Click the name of a migration to open the right side panel showing details of the migration.


If required, you can remove migrations from this list: click Delete in the right side panel.

Display your deleted migrations

Select the Deleted tab. Your list of deleted migrations is displayed.

Note: The Status column indicates the status of the migration when it was deleted.


Duplicate advanced migrations

You can duplicate migrations and run them again. 

1. Open the right side panel of a migration that is in progress, completed or deleted.

2. Click Copy in the side panel.

3. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog.

A new migration is created and progresses through the migration phases in the normal way.

– If you duplicate a migration for which you didn't select the Edit sheet before import checkbox, the duplicated migration proceeds immediately through all phases without user validation. 
– If you did selected the Edit sheet before import, you can made any required adaptations to your duplicated migration in the migration sheet (including its name).

Manage errors

If an error occurs during your migration, the status indicator on the migration card or in the list of quick migrations indicates that the migration has an error.

1. Click the migration card or the migration showing an error in the list of quick migrations.

Advanced migration with an error

image07.pngQuick migration with an error

The right side panel opens, indicating the reason for the error. 

2. Correct the error and click Retry to relaunch your migration.

Learn more: Troubleshooting in Migrate for AODocs.

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1 comment
  • This tool has come along way in a short time. Thumbs up AODocs.

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