The migration spreadsheet

Migrate for AODocs is a tool that allows you to migrate files and folders into your AODocs libraries.

The migration spreadsheet contains the instructions about how to handle your source data during the migration. Learn more: Basic definitions: migration spreadsheets

Note: The same formatting rules apply to the Migrate for AODocs migration spreadsheet as the Bulk Updater spreadsheet. Learn more: Formatting rules.

This article describes the different sheets in the migration spreadsheet:

Automatically generated table of contents

The data sheet

Each row in the data sheet corresponds to a document to migrate into AODocs.

For file system migrations, there is one attachment per document. For SharePoint / Lotus Notes migrations into Document Management libraries, there can be zero, one or more attachments per document.

The columns in the data sheet are listed below with a description of what they contain and details about what you can change in them.

ID column:

What it contains:

Unique ID of the document.

  • For file system migrations: path of the file to migrate
  • For Google Drive migrations: Google ID of the document
  • For SharePoint migrations: URL of the document in the SharePoint site
  • For Lotus Notes migrations: ID generated by the Lotus Notes exporter
    Note: This is different from the technical ID – learn more: Title column.
    Note: The ID is mandatory if you are using versions. It's optional if you aren't using versions.
Details: Don’t change this value.

VERSION column:

What it contains:

Version number of the document.

Different versions of a document are on separate rows with the same ID but different version numbers.

This column is included in the spreadsheet only if there is versioning information available in your source data and you defined how many versions to include in the configuration screen. If you included three versions, the three latest versions are listed, for example, versions 9.0, 8.0 and 7.0.

For SharePoint migrations: the column is filled in from your source data.


You can change the value in this cell (it must be a numerical value).

For “from scratch” migrations: you can create the column and fill in the values manually.

If you enter DRAFT (upper case) this version must be the latest version. A document is created in the draft state and the previous version will be the main version. 

Note: In the binding sheet, add the VERSION column name to include it in your migration.


What it contains:

Description of the version.

For all migration types except “from scratch”: this column is included in the spreadsheet only if the VERSION column is included.

For SharePoint migrations: the column is filled in from your source data (if available).


You can add, delete or edit the value in this cell. It will be imported as the description for a document version. Learn more: Manage document versions in AODocs libraries.

For “from scratch” migrations: you can create the column and fill in the values manually.

Note: In the binding sheet, add the VERSION_DESCRIPTION column name to include it in your migration.

CLASS_NAME column:

What it contains:

Name of the document class in your AODocs library.

For all migration types except SharePoint and Lotus Notes:

  • if you selected a document class in the configuration screen:
    • the spreadsheet doesn't contain a CLASS_NAME column; all documents will be imported into the document class you selected
    • columns are created in your spreadsheet for all existing properties in the document class you selected
  • if you didn’t select a document class in the configuration screen, the column is empty and you must fill it in manually – every cell must have a value

For SharePoint / Lotus Notes migrations:

  • the column is filled in with the SharePoint Content Type / Lotus Notes Form
  • if you select a document class in the configuration screen, it is taken into account for the migration and the SharePoint Content Type / Lotus Notes Form are ignored

Learn more: Run migrations in advanced mode.


You can change or add the value of this cell. If you enter a value that doesn’t correspond to an existing class in your library, a new class is created in your AODocs library during the creation phase.


  • You can't run a migration without defining the document class for all your documents.
  • Names of document classes are case sensitive.
  • Team Folders have only one document class, so if your target library is a Team Folder, all cells in the column must contain the name of its only document class.

FOLDER column:

What it contains: For all migration types except for “from scratch”: this column is filled in with the name of the folder containing the migrated file (if any).

A folder with this name will be created in your AODocs library.

You can:

  • change or add values to create folders with different names in your AODocs library
  • add /folderA/folderB to create subfolders
  • remove the value to migrate the file to the root of your AODocs library


  • If there is already a folder with this name in your AODocs library, the file is migrated into this folder.
  • In Document Management libraries, you must first activate folders if you want to organize your files in a folder structure.
  • You must have Browse by Folder defined in views to see your documents in folders.

TITLE column:

What it contains:

Title of the document.

Every cell must have a value.

For all migration types except for “from scratch”: this column is filled in from your source data.

For Lotus Notes migrations: this column contains the technical ID of the document because the titles of documents don't appear in the source data for migration. 

Details: You can change or add a value to define the title of your document when migrated into AODocs.

RICH_TEXT column:

What it contains:

Document description. Can be in plain text or HTML code.

For SharePoint migrations: this column is filled in with the Description of your source files.

For Lotus Notes migrations: this column is filled in from your source files.


You can change or add a description for your document.

Learn more: The AODocs document page.


What it contains:

Date your source file was created.

Learn more about the date formats you can use.


Documents keep their original creation date when migrated into AODocs.

You can change this value.


What it contains:

Date your source file was last modified.

Learn more about the date formats you can use.


Documents keep their last modification date when migrated into AODocs.

You can change this value.


What it contains:

Name of the user who created the source file.

Every cell must have a value.


Documents keep their document creator when migrated into AODocs.

You can change this value.


What it contains:

Name of the user who last updated the source file.


Documents keep their last update author when migrated into AODocs.

You can change this value.


What it contains:

For file system migrations: there is always one attachment per source file.

For SharePoint / Lotus Notes migrations into Document Management libraries: there can be zero, one or more attachments per document. If there are several attachments, they are separated by pipe signs (|)


For all migration types except “from scratch”: you mustn’t change the values in this column.

For “from scratch” migrations: you can enter the path of a local file.

Note: If you do this, you must run the migration through the upload phase again to ensure your attachments are uploaded.

[Property name] columns:

What it contains:

For file system migrations: a column is created for each property in the document class you selected in the configuration screen (if any).

For SharePoint / Lotus Notes migrations: a column is created for each property defined in your source data.

The values of multi-value properties are separated by a pipe symbol. For example: EMEA|AMER|APAC

Note: Each column must have a unique name. This means you can't have a custom property column called ID, for example. However, if you want to have a property called ID, you can rename the property column and then in the binding sheet, "bind" it to a property called ID in the Target name column.


You can add or change property values for each document.

You can select category values from the drop-down list when you position your cursor in the cell. Limitations: 

  • For multivalue categories, you must enter both values by hand, separated by pipe.

  • Only the first three levels in category are shown.

  • Only first 128 values are shown.

  • Outdated categories not shown.

  • The leaf is shown if the parent is outdated.

You can add as many columns as you like, to create new properties.

Note: In the binding sheet, add the names of any columns from the data sheet that you want to include in your migration.

[Relation] columns:

What it contains:

The titles of relation columns must be the name of the left-side (From) or the right-side (To) of a relation. Learn more: Configure relations.

Note: For relations within a single document class, only the left-side (From) is defined. 

Enter the name of the related item (document) in the column cells. 


You must enter the information about relations manually after creating a migration spreadsheet. Learn more: Run your migration.

Note: Information about relations is not extracted, so isn't included in the extraction spreadsheet. Learn more: Extract details of your source data and migration setup.

Handle relations in your migration spreadsheet

To include relations between documents when you migrate into AODocs, your library must already have one or more relations configured. Learn more: Configure relations.

Enter the information about relations manually after creating a migration spreadsheet. Learn more: Run your migration.

Note: Information about relations is not extracted, so isn't included in the extraction spreadsheet. Learn more: Extract details of your source data and migration setup.

1. In the data sheet of your migration spreadsheet, add one or more columns. The title of each column must be the name of the left-side (From) or the right-side (To) of a relation. Learn more: [Relation] columns.

2. In each column you created, identify the related document for each required row (document). 

  • For migrations that have the ID column is filled in, add the ID to your relation column
  • For migrations that don't have the ID column filled in, enter the title of your related document
  • For documents that already exist in AODocs: enter the AODocs ID

3. Fill in the binding sheet with the relations you want to include in the migration. Learn more: Relations in the binding sheet.

In the example below:

  • the relation "Contract to Customer" exists in the target library, with the left-side (From) named "Contract" and the right-side (To) named "Customer"
  • we will import two Contracts ("Contract A" and "Contract B") that are both related to a Customer document ("Customer profile CC")


Important: Errors occur if:
– the relation isn't defined in your AODocs library
– you try to create a relation to an existing document that isn't in the document class defined by the relation

Handle templates in your migration spreadsheet

You can import documents using a template defined in your library when your run migrations in quick mode and advanced mode.

Below are guidelines for handling templates:

  • If your template has properties, they appear as columns in your spreadsheet. Learn more: [Property name] columns. The columns are empty, but if your template has default property values, they are propagated to your imported documents. To change or add property values, enter new values in the property column.
  • If your Document Management library template has one or more attachments, they are added to your document along with any imported files.
  • If your Secured Folder template has an attachment, you can't import files as well. If you run a migration with a template attachment and files to import, an error occurs during the creation  phase. Change your configuration to import files or the template attachment, not both.
  • If your Document Management library template has a title, it is ignored during the import. All cells in the TITLE column must be filled in and imported documents have these titles defined in this column.
  • If your template has a description, all your imported documents contain the description. There is no column for the description in the spreadsheet, so you can't change or remove it.  

The binding sheet

The binding sheet is used to define which columns from the data sheet to use in your migration. You must “bind” the source data to your target AODocs configuration. Any columns not listed in the binding sheet will be ignored during the migration.

Note: The binding sheet is populated in extraction spreadsheets. However, don’t make any changes because you can’t use the extraction spreadsheet for migration.

You can define default values for system properties (except ID, TITLE, ATTACHMENT and TARGET_ID) and custom properties. If you enter a default value and no value is defined in the data sheet, the property takes the default value. However, if a value is defined in the data sheet, the default value isn't taken into account.


System properties

The system properties (always in capitals) are listed first. System properties must have the same values in the Source name and Type columns. They are also copied to the Target name column.

Important: Don’t change the Target name column for system properties. You can’t change AODocs system properties, so if you change the values they won’t be taken into account.

VERSION and VERSION_DESCRIPTION are treated like system properties. If these columns were created during the extraction phase, they’re listed in the binding sheet along with the system properties. If you added versioning information to your data sheet manually, you must also add it in the binding sheet to include it in your migration.

Custom properties

Custom properties are listed after the system properties.

– For file system migrations: if you selected a document class in the configuration screen, columns are created in the data sheet for the properties (if any) in your document class. These properties are also listed in the Source name column in the binding sheet.
– For SharePoint / Lotus Notes migrations: columns are created in the data sheet for the properties in your source data. These properties are also listed in the Source name column in the binding sheet.


Create new properties for the documents to migrate

1. Create a new column in the data sheet.

2. Name it with your new property.

3. Enter values in the required cells.

4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to create as many properties as you want.


“Bind” custom properties to your AODocs configuration

1. In the Target name column in the binding sheet, enter the property names you want to use in AODocs for the corresponding properties listed in the Source name column. If any properties you enter in the Target name column don’t yet exist in your AODocs document class, new properties are created.

Tips: To display any new custom properties you added to the data sheet, position your cursor in the first empty cell in the Source name column and start typing the name of a property.

2. In the Type column, use the drop-down menu to select the property type. These are the property types available in AODocs. Learn more: Create and configure custom properties.

Important: Don’t select system properties in this list.


Note about creating categories

When you create new categories or category values using the migration spreadsheet:

  • if you create new values for a category that already exists in your AODocs library, you must first make sure the checkbox Dynamic values is selected in your library configuration for the category, so the new values can be added
  • if you create a new category and give it values, a new category with dynamic values is created in your AODocs library

Learn more: Create categories.


"Bind" the AODocs Title system property to a specific field in Lotus Notes

For Lotus Notes migrations, the titles of documents don't appear in the source data, so the TITLE column in the spreadsheet contains the ID of the document. The title of your Lotus Notes documents may be held in a specific field. 

To "bind" the AODocs Title system property to a field in Lotus notes:

1. Remove the entire row containing the TITLE system property in the binding sheet. 

2. Add TITLE as a custom property in the Source name field.  

3. Select the Lotus Notes field that contains document titles in the Target name field. The content of the Lotus Notes field you selected will be the titles of your documents when imported into AODocs.



For relations, you must manually add one or more rows to the binding sheet.

Choose the name of the left-side (From) or right-side (To) of the relation in the Source name column as defined in the data sheet, then define if it is RELATION_RIGHT or RELATION_LEFT in the Type column.

Note: For relations within a single document class, select RELATION_LEFT. If you select RELATION_RIGHT, there will be an error.

Finally, enter the full name of the relation in the Target name column. Learn more: Configure relations.

The mapping sheet

The mapping sheet is used to map users who are mentioned in your source data onto accounts on your domain.

Note: The mapping sheet is populated in extraction spreadsheets. However, don’t make any changes because you can’t use the extraction spreadsheet for migration.

The origin column lists all users who are mentioned in your source data (for example, INITIAL_AUTHOR, UPDATE_AUTOR, SharePoint users and Lotus Notes users). Use the target column to map these uses to accounts on your domain.

Note: The accounts you enter in the target column must already exist on your domain.



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