The Universal File Opener (UFO) and the AODocs File Opener (AFO) are browser extensions.
- UFO is used in AODocs libraries using Google Drive. UFO is available in Google Chrome.
- AFO in AODocs libraries using Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage. AFO is available in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
Learn more:
Important: Only UFO users can view and manage their cached file through the interface. However both UFO and AFO users can locate their cached files.
This article explains how to:
Automatically generated table of contents
Locate your cached files
When you open a file with UFO or AFO, the file is stored in a local repository known as cached files. The default location for the cached files is:
- On your PC:
- On your Mac:
View and access cached files in the UFO status dialog
1. In Google Drive or AODocs, click the UFO extension button next to the URL bar. If you have one or more files in your cache, the list of cached files is displayed.
– By default, cached files are sorted by the last modification date. You can sort your cached files by their name, last modification date, size, or whether they are pinned to be permanently available offline.
– If you have no files in your cache, the status of the UFO extension is displayed.
2. Check the file icon to see its lock status:
No padlock |
Red padlock |
Gray padlock |
3. Select the name of a file that isn’t locked by another user to open and edit it locally.
- If you open a cached file that hasn't been edited by another user, the file is opened directly from your cached files.
- If you open a cached file that has been edited by another user, the file is downloaded again to your cached files.
Manage cached files in the UFO status dialog
Note: When you initialize the UFO extension, a cleanup of your cache is performed:
– if your cache contains either 100 files (default) or the maximum number of files defined by your administrator, the least recently modified files are removed
– files that haven't been modified in the last 30 days are removed
However, if you choose to keep files in cache (see step 2), the above conditions no longer apply.
1. In Google Drive or AODocs, click the UFO extension button next to the URL bar. If you have one or more files in your cache, the list of cached files is displayed.
2. The following features are available to manage your cached files:
Version history button to open a page where you can access the Drive version history of the file in Google Drive |
Locate in Google Drive button to open the parent Google Drive folder in a new tab |
View details button to open a side panel with information about the file, such as details about the lock, file size, owner, last modification date and creation date |
Remove button to remove the file stored locally in your cached files |
Pin file in cache / Unpin file in cache toggle: when pinned, the file remains permanently available in your cache and you can access your cached files when working offline; when unpinned, the standard cache cleanup conditions apply |
Delete stored files to remove all the cached files |
– If you remove a locked cached file, the lock is released.
– You can’t remove a cached file if it is open in your local software.
3. Click Back to display the status of the UFO extension.
UFO status summary
Access the Drive version history of cached files
1. Access the cached file in the UFO status dialog.
2. Click the Version history button next to the required file. A new page opens where you can find full information about the version history for this file in Google Drive.
3. On the file's version history page, you can click the:
- Open file button to open the current version of the file and edit it – learn more: Open and edit non-Google files in Google Drive and Open and edit non-Google attachments in AODocs
- Download button next to a previous version of the file (if any) to download it
Access files offline
In Google Drive
1. In the Google Drive settings, while still online, make sure offline access is enabled. Learn more: Use Google Drive files offline.
2. When offline, access Google Drive.
3. Click the UFO extension button next to the URL bar. The list of files available in your cache appears.
4. Select a cached file to open it locally in read-only.
5. If you edit the file, you can’t save your changes in the same cached file. You can save a copy of the file on your local computer. Any changes you make won’t be automatically synchronized when you go back online. You can manually merge your changes later.
In AODocs
1. When offline, access AODocs.
2. Click the UFO extension button next to the URL bar. The list of files available in your cache appears.
3. Select a cached file to open it locally in read-only.