UFO/AFO: Configure browser policies affecting the Sync Client

Activating certain browser policies interferes with Native Messaging and prevents UFO and AFO from functioning.  For example, if Native Messaging is blocked by browser policies, communication between the extension and Sync Client is prevented. In this case, the status window indicates that the Sync Client is not installed even when it has been installed.

Below is a list of the relevant policies.

On Chrome (UFO/AFO):

On Edge (AFO):

When NativeMessagingUserLevelHosts is turned on, the single-user Sync Client is blocked unless you add the native host to theNativeMessagingAllowlist.

Note: The domain wide installation works as expected.

When NativeMessagingBlocklist is set to *, all Native Messaging is blocked. In this case, you must explicitly allowlist UFO or AFO in the NativeMessagingAllowlist.

To add the UFO and AFO native hosts in NativeMessagingAllowlist, add the following entries to the allowlist:

  • to allowlist UFO: com.aodocs.syncclient
  • to allowlist AFO: com.aodocs.syncclient.oss
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