The Gmail add-on lets you export emails and their attachments to AODocs libraries.
Note: The Gmail add-on is available in all types of library: Team Folders, Secured Folders and Document Management libraries, using any storage platform.
You can:
- export single emails you received (this article)
- export single emails you composed
- export a batch of emails using rules
This article explains how to export into AODocs single emails you received in your mailbox. A new AODocs document is created for each email you export. You can't create new versions in existing documents.
Automatically generated table of contents
Export a single email
1. Open the email you want to export to AODocs.
2. Click the AODocs Gmail add-on button in the right panel. The AODocs panel opens.
3. Select the library into which you want to export your email.
Tip: When you enter three or more characters, a drop-down menu appears with all the matching libraries in which you're a contributor.
4. Select the required document class.
5. You can:
- choose the folder where your email will be exported - click the pencil icon and select the required folder
- create a new subfolder at the location you selected - activate the Create a subfolder switch and enter a name in the Subfolder name field.
Note: You can select and create a folder in all Team Folders and Secured Folders. To be able to select and create a folder in Document Management libraries, the folder structure must be activated for the selected document class.
7. In Document Management libraries, define the document title.
Note: By default, the document title is the subject of the email. If there is no subject, the field is blank and you must enter a title.
9. Click Next.
Gmail add-on panel with a Secured Folder selected
9. You can choose one of these options for the export of the EML file:
- Export (default)
- Do not export
Note: EML is a file extension for email messages in the MIME RFC 822 standard format. An EML file contains all the original email data (header, body and attachments). This format is often used to archive emails. You can open EML files with most email clients like Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird.
10. You can choose one of these options for the export of the email body:
- Export as PDF (default)
- Export as Google Doc (only available in Google Drive libraries)
- Do not export
If your email has no attachments skip steps 11 and 12.
11. Select which attachments to export.
Tip: Select or deselect the checkbox next to Attachments to select or deselect all the attachments in the email.
12. Define whether to convert each selected Microsoft attachment to the equivalent Google format.
Note: These options are available in Google Drive libraries. They aren't available in libraries using Google Cloud Storage (GCS) or Azure Blob Storage.
13. Click Export email.
A message appears with a summary of the export. Click View progress to open the dashboard and view the export report under Reports > Single exports.
What happens when I run the export?
Your email is exported to the AODocs library as a new document in the document class you defined.
In Document Management libraries, the following files are attached to your AODocs document:
- all the selected email attachments (Microsoft files are converted to Google format if defined)
- if selected for export, the email body is exported as a file called:
- [email subject].pdf if you selected the PDF option
- [email subject] (no extension) if you selected the Google document option
- if selected for export, an EML file of your email called [email subject].eml
In Team Folders and Secured Folders, separate documents are created, each with one attached file.
If your library administrator created properties to recover the email metadata (such as "Email ID", "Sender" or "Subject) they are filled in during the export. Learn more: Gmail add-on: Configure your library.
If your library has a folder structure and you selected or created a folder, the email is located in the selected folder. Otherwise it's located at the library root level.
Exported email in a Document Management library