Gmail add-on: Getting started

The Gmail add-on lets you export emails and their attachments to AODocs libraries.

Note: The Gmail add-on is available in all types of library: Team Folders, Secured Folders and Document Management libraries, using any storage platform.

The Gmail add-on must be installed on your AODocs domain by your Google Workspace administrator

This article explains how to: 

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Grant permissions to see the Gmail add-on in Gmail

You must grant permissions to be able to see the Gmail add-on in your Gmail. 

1. Open Gmail.

2. Click the AODocs Gmail add-on button in the right panel. The AODocs panel opens.

3. Click Authorize Access


4. Choose your Google Account.


5. Click Allow.

You can now define your regional instance.


Define your regional instance and domain

There are two regional instances of the Gmail add-on: 

  • US
  • EU

You must select the same instance as your AODocs instance. Learn more: Find out which AODocs instance you're using.

Note: Both instances of the Gmail add-on have exactly the same features. 

1. Open Gmail.

2. Click the AODocs Gmail add-on button in the right panel. The AODocs panel opens.

3. Select the required region.

4. If required, change the AODocs domain.

5. Click Save. A confirmation dialog opens. 

6. Close the dialog.

You can now sign in. 


Change the regional instance or domain

You can change the regional instance or domain in the Gmail add-on settings. 

1. Open Gmail.

2. Click the AODocs Gmail add-on button in the right panel. The AODocs panel opens.

3. Open the More actions menu and select Switch domain.  The instance and domain you previously selected are active.

4. Select the required AODocs instance and domain.

5. Click Save. A confirmation dialog opens. 

6. Close the dialog.


Sign in and grant permissions

When you have selected the regional instance, you can sign in and grant permissions to interact with the Gmail add-on

1. Click the Sign in button. 


2. Click the Sign in with Google button.


3. Select your Google Account. 

4. Select the two available checkboxes.

5. Click Continue


Grant permissions to use the dashboard

When you access the dashboard for the first time, you are requested to grant the following permissions. 

Select the available checkbox and click Continue.


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