Browse the pending workflow tasks in your library

Your library homepage lists all the documents in your library that have pending workflow actions. Only documents where you have pending workflow actions are displayed. They are grouped together by workflow state.

1. Open your library homepage.

The list of workflow tasks is displayed on the right side of the page. A task appears only if there is at least one document with pending workflow actions in the corresponding state.

Note: The number of pending workflow tasks displayed is limited to 100 by default. It is possible to change this value in specific libraries or for the whole domain. Contact your library administrator or AODocs super administrator. 


2. Click one of the workflow states to access the list of documents in this state. For each document, the Title, State, Last update and Last update author are displayed in the columns.

Tip: You can also click See all at the top of the list of workflow tasks to view all your pending workflow actions.

3. Click the name of a document to open it. 

Tip: You can return to the library homepage using the breadcrumb at the top of the page.


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  • Hi There, why is it restricted to 100? We have over 8000 documents, and the workflow stats are not reflective of our true operations in AODocs. Could you please advise whether there is an ability to amend this count to be accurate, and if not, how can we remove this workflow corner so it is not seen by our users? Many thanks

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  • Hi Sandra, this section of the library homepage (workflow basket) is intended to display the documents on which an action is pending from the user. We don't envisage libraries where the user has to perform more than 100 actions as this amount of actions seems pretty high.
    The administrator has a way to select which workflow states appear here to ensure that the user is only viewing important steps of the workflow.
    From your description and the amount of files mentioned, it seems that you are perhaps looking for a reporting capability for which the workflow basket is not designed for. I have contacted your Customer Success Manager who will be in touch soon.

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