Add files and folders as an external user

If you are an external user and an AODocs library has been shared with you, you can edit existing files and also add files to the AODocs library.

– When you add a file to an AODocs library, the file is initially owned by your account. The ownership of the file is then transferred to the AODocs storage account of the library.
– Google Workspace forbids the transfer of document ownership between different Google domains or from a account. This means external users can't import their files directly into AODocs. AODocs therefore makes a copy of the files.

Automatically generated table of contents

Add files or folders into an AODocs library as an external user

As an external user, the actions available for adding files or folders are slightly different in Google Drive and the AODocs interface.

In Google Drive, you can add files or folders in Team Folders only:

  • drag and drop existing Google files or folders (or locally stored files or folders)
  • select New > File upload or Folder Upload

Learn more: AODocs Smartbar multi-domain usage.

In AODocs, you can:

What happens when you add files or folders as an external user?

1. AODocs makes a copy of the source files or folders owned by the external user and adds the copied files to the location in AODocs where the user has chosen to import their files or folders.

This has the following impacts:

  • the source and target files have different ID and URLs
  • the comments of the copied files are lost

2. AODocs tags the source files in Google Drive. 

Tip: You can access the tagged files:

You can monitor all these actions in the Google Drive interface: open the View details section and select the Activity tab.


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