Deploy AODocs extensions on your domain with GPO

Group Policy provides centralized management and configuration of operating systems, applications, and users' settings in an Active Directory (AD) domain. AD is a directory service developed by Microsoft for Windows domain networks.

To deploy AODocs extensions on your domain with Group Policy Objects (GPO), you must:

Automatically generated table of contents


Note: Learn about how to deploy Smartbar permissions on your domain.

Prerequisites for Deploying AODocs Extensions via Windows GPO

Deploying AODocs extensions by Group Policy Object (GPO) is restricted to companies working with an Active Directory (AD) domain. The deployment affects only the workstations registered in your AD domain.

These are the prerequisites:

Add the Administrative Templates to the Active Directory domain controllers

Google provides you with the necessary Administrative Templates to customize the Chrome for Work setup — see point 2 of the GPO prerequisites.

To import ADM files (for AD functional level 2003):

  1. Go to Start > Run: gpedit.msc
  2. Go to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates.
  3. Right-click Administrative Templates and select Add/Remove Templates.
  4. Add the chrome.adm template via the dialog.
  5. A Google / Chrome folder appears under Administrative Templates if it's not there already.

To import ADMX files (for AD functional level 2008 and above):

  1. Copy the chrome.admx file to %SystemRoot%\PolicyDefinitions.
  2. Copy one or more of the language directories, for example en-US, to %SystemRoot%\PolicyDefinitions. Copy all language folders which already exist under the PolicyDefinitions folder.
  3. Go to Start > Run: gpedit.msc
  4. Go to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates.
  5. A Google / Chrome folder appears under Administrative Templates if it's not there already.

You must create a new GPO. New GPOs will be applied to old and new Chrome installations.

Configure, apply and check the GPO 

1. Go to Start > Run: gpedit.msc

2. Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Classic Administrative Templates > Google > Google Chrome.

3. Double-click the Extensions folder in the right pane.


4. Double-click the Configure the list of force-installed extensions policy.


4. In the Configure the list of force-installed extensions dialog, enable the policy by selecting Enabled, then click the Show… button.


5. In the Show Contents dialog, copy and paste the appropriate text, depending on the AODocs extension you want to install:

  • To install the AODocs Smartbar, copy and paste the following: aikbehojjdffmangolfbohjdigfdnepa; 
    (this is the AODocs Smartbar extension ID and the update URL)
  • To install the Universal File Opener (UFO), copy and paste the following:
    (this is the UFO extension ID and the update URL)
  • To install the AODocs File Opener (AFO), copy and paste the following:
    (this is the AFO extension ID and the update URL)

6. Click OK.


7. Click OK to close the Configure the list of force-installed extensions dialog and apply the GPO to the group of computers you require.


8. To check if the GPO has been applied on a Windows PC, open Chrome and type chrome://policy. The GPO has been applied properly if you see ExtensionInstallForceList with the value:

  • for the AODocs Smartbar: 
  • for UFO:
  • for AFO:


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