UFO/AFO supports the proxies indicated below on macOS and Windows.
Important: If your proxy requires authentication, add exceptions to the following URL patterns, providing access to:
– the Google Drive API: https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/*
– automatic UFO updates: https://storage.googleapis.com/ufo-resources/prod/*
– the object storage service: https://aodocs-object-storage.uc.r.appspot.com/api/*
– Google Cloud Storage: https://storage.googleapis.com/*
– Microsoft Azure Blob Storage: https://*.blob.core.windows.net/*
– automatic AFO updates: https://ufo-resources.storage.googleapis.com/prod-oss/*
Learn more: Deploy the UFO or AFO client to your domain.
Proxies in the Windows environment
UFO/AFO supports all types of proxy configurations on Windows except when a password is required.
Proxies on macOS
On macOS, UFO/AFO supports only static proxies.