Use the API to identify the IDs of all the properties in a document class

This article is for developers with a full understanding of how to work with our API. 

Important note about the API explorer
When you follow the link we provide to the API explorer, you'll see a red warning.
The API itself is not deprecated. It's the Google API explorer that is deprecated. All the processes described in our API articles function correctly and safely if you use this Google API explorer. 

This article describes how to identify the IDs of all the properties in a document class. 

1. Follow one of these links to the AODocs API:

  • US instance:

  • EU instance:

Note: Dedicated instances have their own URLs. Learn more: What are AODocs instances?

2. Enter the ID of a document in the required document class. Learn how to identify document IDs.

Important: You must have at least read access to the document.

3. Click Authorize and execute.


The response is displayed in the lower part of the screen. 

4. Scroll down to the list of properties ("fields"). 

The property ID ("fieldId") is the first item of information displayed for each property. 


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