Library |
100 classes 100 categories 10,000 folders 1,000,000 documents without attached files (in Document Management libraries) |
Library using Google Drive for storage |
100,000 attached files (one per document in Team Folders and Secured Folders; zero, one or more per document in Document Management Libraries) Learn more about Google Drive performance recommendations that also apply to AODocs storage accounts. |
Library using Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage |
1,000,000 documents without attached files 100,000 to 200,000 documents with attached files, depending on the file size |
Class |
100 properties 10 custom update actions 10 document templates |
Workflow |
100 workflow states 100 transitions |
Workflow state |
10 transitions 10 custom workflow actions |
Category |
10 000 total category values 100 direct subcategory values |
Document |
100 attached files 100 versions 100 related items |
Folder |
100 direct child folders 1000 documents |