Recommended limits in AODocs

Below is a list of the recommended limits to bear in mind when configuring your AODocs libraries. Libraries configured within these limits are guaranteed to work with acceptable performance. You can exceed these limits, but this may result in performance issues or errors.

100 classes

100 categories

10,000 folders

1,000,000 documents without attached files (in Document Management libraries)

Library using Google Drive for storage

100,000 attached files (one per document in Team Folders and Secured Folders; zero, one or more per document in Document Management Libraries)

Learn more about Google Drive performance recommendations that also apply to AODocs storage accounts.

Library using Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage

1,000,000 documents without attached files

100,000 to 200,000 documents with attached files, depending on the file size


100 properties

10 custom update actions

10 document templates


100 workflow states

100 transitions

Workflow state

10 transitions

10 custom workflow actions


10 000 total category values

100 direct subcategory values


100 attached files

100 versions

100 related items


100 direct child folders

1000 documents


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  • hi team when mentionning 10 000 total category values, you mean total category + subcategory = 10k correct ?
    I need to create a category value which has 10 000 values on first level, this will not be possible as limit would be 100 per level, correct ?

    Thanks for your feedback!

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  • We confirm the 10,000 values includes all the category & subcategories. Also, we do not recommend to have 10,000 values at any level but maximum 100. So, your assumptions are correct!

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  • I'm a little confused about the 1,000,000 documents / 100,000 attachments limits.
    If we assume that 1 document = at least one attachment, then we can create 100 000 documents with attachment max and then 900 000 empty documents?

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  • You're correct Morgane, the difference comes from the libraries type of libraries.
    In Team Folder and Secured Folders the libraries are "mono-attachment documents" where 1 document = 1 attachment. In this case the recommended number of attachment AND document is 100,000 per library.
    In contrast, the Document Management System Libraries are "multi-attachments documents" where a document can have 0 attachment as well. For this type of libraries. We recommend a maximum of 100,000 attachments across all the documents which sum be up to 1,000,000.

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  • We have been telling our users that the limits are about 50,000 documents per library (Team Folder) and the subscriptions must not exceed 2,000,000.
    Has this changed since 2016?

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  • Is there any guidance on maximum number of libraries per storage account? And how do the limits in the table above apply when you have many libraries on the same account?

    E.g. if we have 100 Team Folder libraries on one account, can each library still safely have 100,000 attachments (i.e. 10 million attachments in one storage account)?

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  • Hi, Is there a recommended limit on the size of an attachment?

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  • We do not recommend or enforce specific size for the attachments but we are limited by what Google Drive enforces: "The maximum individual file size that you can upload or synchronize is 5 TB." Source:

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  • Hi, when it says that folders should be limited to 1,000 documents, does that include the documents in any child folders? Or does each child folder have a limit of 1,000 documents as well?

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