Forms to AODocs is an add-on for Google Forms. It lets users create content quickly in AODocs. It's as easy as filling out a Google Form and submitting it.
Below is a list of the known limitations of the Forms to AODocs add-on.
- The following AODocs property types are not supported:
- Folder
- Geopoint
- Category with sublevels
- Google Forms Multiple Choice Grid question types are not supported.
- For Team Folders and Secured Folders, any Google Form answers are systematically imported at the root folder of your library.
- The Forms to AODocs interface currently only supports English.
- If the user who linked the form is not the form’s owner and if the form contains a document upload question, any responses with attachments are not imported into your library. However, responses without attachments are imported into the library.
- If the user who linked the form no longer has access to the library or has a role different from library administrator, no responses are imported into the library. The solution is to grant the user administrator access and re-link the form.
- Forms to AODocs can't create documents if the document class you selected in your library has calculated titles defined. Learn more: Configure conditional logic to calculate document titles.