BP_Samuel Perez
Activity overview
Latest activity by BP_Samuel Perez-
BP_Samuel Perez commented, I need this fuction or script code. I need to reset a lot of categories values (empty). Some a script in Java? Like show below: myDocument.setField("Text box", "");myDocument.setField("Number Input...
BP_Samuel Perez commented, can I show this date with a different format? Only I need the date, I don't need the time. Thank you in advance
BP_Samuel Perez commented, Is there any Java documentation to can to create these scripts? This to know the objects, methods and functions. Thanks in advance.
BP_Samuel Perez commented, Hello all, I need to add 100 or 200 registers. How I can to add with Bulk Updater?
BP_Samuel Perez commented, How I can to add / delete a register?
BP_Samuel Perez commented, Thank you Nicolas, I did it and this is working!!
BP_Samuel Perez commented, I solved it with a script. Choose a item of the list, then when save, automatically fill the text box. Thank you !
BP_Samuel Perez commented, I need to show/hide properties automatically depending of which property you have selected at first. I have 2 options (CP / Other ) when the user clic CP, hide the next properties, but when user cl...
BP_Samuel Perez commented, Can show/hide properties or section when a user previusly select an item of the a category?
BP_Samuel Perez commented, I need a list that when clic item autofill others text box.